What is applicative functor: the ability to apply functors to each other. For example we have tow functors: Container(2), Container(3) // We can't do this because the numbers are bottled up. add(Container.of(), Container.of()); // NaN We cannot just…
Let's examine a pointfree way to write these applicative calls. Since we know map is equal to of/ap, we can write generic functions that will ap as many times as we specify: const liftA2 = curry((g, f1, f2) => f1.map(g).ap(f2)); const liftA3 = curry(…
Vim 是一个Linux 平台上功能非常强大的编辑器,他是早年的Vi 编辑器的加强版.这个gVim 是windows 版的,并且有了标准的windows 风格的图形界面,所以叫g(graphical)Vim.我们可以将gvim 理解为vim(vi的加强版)图形化版本,其指令和用法都完全相同,所以可以參考vim的指令.这是一个国际版本,会根据安装的平台自动选择相应语言包, 支持中文及其各种编码,连界面也是中文的,请放心使用.这个极具Unix特色和风格(simple is the best)的编辑器…
1. Functional programming treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical and avoids state and mutable data. Scala encourages an expression-oriented programming(EOP) 1) In expression-oriented programming every statement is an expression. A state…
Lifting Now, let's review map from another perspective. map :: (T -> R) -> [T] -> [R] accepts 2 parameters, a function f :: T -> R and a list list :: [T]. [T] is a generic type paramterized by T, it's not the same as T, but definitely shares s…
Functions in Java Prior to the introduction of Lambda Expressions feature in version 8, Java had long been known as a purely object-oriented programming language. "Everything is an Object" is the philosophy deep in the language design. Objects a…
background In pursuit of a real-world application, let’s say we need an e-commerce web applicationfor a mail-order coffee bean company. They sell several types of coffee and in differentquantities, both of which affect the price. Imperative methods F…
The Swift Programming Language --lkvt 本人在2014年6月3日(北京时间)凌晨起来通过网络观看2014年WWDC 苹果公司的发布会有iOS8以及OS X 10.10顿时感到各种激动,今年很有料啊!但是当看到苹果公司要发布新的编程语言Swift出来的时候,瞬间傻眼了,我们苦逼的程序员们又要学习新编程语言了.牛逼的公司就是敢破坏新的条条框框啊,非要把已经使用了20多年的Objective C给替代掉,我们这种程序员还必须跟随人间的脚步,必须从新学习,这篇文章来自…
In computer science, functional programming is a programming paradigm, a style of building the structure and elements of computer programs, that treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions and avoids state and mutable data. It is a…
A functional programming function is like a mathematical function, which produces an output that typically depends only on its arguments. Each time a functional programming function is called with the same arguments, the same result is achieved. Func…
In this blog post I will talk about the changes coming in Angular 2 that will improve its support for functional programming. Angular 2 is still in active development, so all the examples are WIP. Please focus on the capabilities and ideas, and not t…
It is really important to understand function signature in functional programming. The the code example below: const map = fn => anyFunctor => anyFunctor.map(fn); 'map' is pointfree version of any founctor's map, for example: Maybe.of('maybe').map(t…