题目链接:http://codeforces.com/contest/832/problem/B B. Petya and Exam time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output It's hard times now. Today Petya needs to score 100 points on Informatics…
地址:http://codeforces.com/contest/832/problem/B 题目: B. Petya and Exam time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output It's hard times now. Today Petya needs to score 100 points on Informati…
A. Sasha and Sticks 题目链接:http://codeforces.com/contest/832/problem/A 题目意思:n个棍,双方每次取k个,取得多次数的人获胜,Sasha先取,问Sasha是否可以取胜. 代码: //Author: xiaowuga #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <set> #include <vector> #include <que…
It's hard times now. Today Petya needs to score 100 points on Informatics exam. The tasks seem easy to Petya, but he thinks he lacks time to finish them all, so he asks you to help with one.. There is a glob pattern in the statements (a string consis…
[Link]:http://codeforces.com/contest/832/problem/B [Description] *能代替一个字符串(由坏字母组成); ?能代替单个字符(由好字母组成); 问你每个串能不能被匹配 [Solution] 对于没有*的情况; 先判断长度是否相同,不相同则不行; 否则看看问号所在的位置是不是?且,看看?对应的字母是不是好字母; 对于有*的情况; 先把左边和右边的字符和母串的对应位置对应起来; 左对齐比较和右对齐比较 然后中间部分就是用坏字母组成的字符串了…
D. Petya and Array 题目链接:https://codeforces.com/contest/1042/problem/D 题意: 给出n个数,问一共有多少个区间,满足区间和小于t. 题解: 假设目前区间右端点为r,左端点为l,那么由前缀和可得知:sumr-suml-1<t,然后我们再边个形:sumr<t+suml-1,根据这个我们可以发现这有点类似于逆序对. 然后我们就可以用求解逆序对问题的解法来解这个问题了,这里不同的就是每次前面的加上t大于当前这个数即为一对逆序对. 我用…
题目连接:http://codeforces.com/contest/832/problem/C C. Strange Radiation time limit per test 3 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output n people are standing on a coordinate axis in points with positive int…
A 题意:给你n根棍子,两个人每次拿m根你,你先拿,如果该谁拿的时候棍子数<m,这人就输,对手就赢,问你第一个拿的人能赢吗 代码: #include<stdio.h>#define ll long longusing namespace std;ll n,m;int main(){ while(~scanf("%I64d%I64d",&n,&m)) { ll r=n/m; if(r%2==1) printf("YES\n"); el…
Misha and Grisha are funny boys, so they like to use new underground. The underground has n stations connected with n - 1 routes so that each route connects two stations, and it is possible to reach every station from any other. The boys decided to h…
n people are standing on a coordinate axis in points with positive integer coordinates strictly less than 106. For each person we know in which direction (left or right) he is facing, and his maximum speed. You can put a bomb in some point with non-n…