PWM DAC Low Pass Filtering】的更多相关文章

[TI博客大赛][原创]LM3S811之基于PWM的DAC One-bit DAC Take one pin of an FPGA, connect a speaker and listen to an MP3? Easy. Here, we'll use a PC to decode an MP3, and then s… Posted by AnalogAdvocate on April 09, 2010 Design, General In today’s highly competitive electronics environment, designers are constantly looking for ways to reduce overall system costs.  One…
虽然STM32F103ZET6具有内部DAC,但是也仅仅只有两条DAC通道,并且STM32还有其他的很多型号是没有DAC的.通常情况下,采用专用的D/A芯片来实现,但是这样就会带来成本的增加. 不过STM32所有的芯片都有PWM输出,并且PWM输出通道很多,资源丰富.因此,我们可以使用PWM+简单的RC滤波来实现DAC的输出从而节省成本. PWM DACPWM DAC的构成原理PWM本质上其实就是是一种周期一定,而高低电平占空比可调的方波.实际电路的典型PWM波形,如下图所示: 针对PWM的波形…
RC 2nd Order Passive Low Pass Filter The cut-off frequency of second order low pass filter is given as Second order low pass filter -3dB frequency is given as where ƒc is the calculated cut-off frequency, n is the filter order and ƒ-3dB is the new -3…
how determine the RC time constant in PWM digital to analog low-pass filter? I 'm looking for the best RC time constant and its reason in a PWM to convert digital signal to analog based on duty-cycle and frequency and other parameters. PWM frequency…
how to generate an analog output from a in-built pwm of Atmega 32AVR microcontrloller? you need a resistor, a capacitor and an opamp. opamp is not really necessary when you are driving a mosfet, but will make life a bit easier. just be aware, that th…
2017年4月16日 一周AnswerOpenCV佳作赏析 1.HelloHow to smooth edge of text in binary image, based on threshold.Something like anti-aliasing by openCv?example 题目:图片去毛刺 优质解答: #;    }    )        radius;    Mat mInput,mOutput;    Mat mChannel[];    split(mInput_Bg… Many embedded-microcontroller applications require generation of analog signals. An integrated or stand-alone DAC fills the role. However, you can often use PWM si…
note: Some articles are very good in,I share them in the Cnblog so that Chinese hardware engineers can enjoy and learn. ComeFrom:   The cut-off frequency or… DAC Essentials: A new blog series A digital-to-analog converter, or DAC, performs the opposite function of an analog-to-digital converter, or ADC. Duh, right? But, have you ever wond…
开发指南V1.0库函数版本,PWM DAC实验 350页 STM32 的定时器最快的计数频率是72Mhz,8 为分辨率的时候,PWM 频率为72M/256=281.25Khz.如果是1阶RC滤波,则要求截止频率为1.77Khz,如果为2阶RC滤波,则要求截止频率为22.34Khz.一阶RC滤波截止频率为什么是1.77Khz,二阶为什么是22.34Khz?怎么得来的?这两个频率和PWM频281,25Khz之间有什么关系?看了傅里叶展开,没看出他们之间的关系,很困惑,望原子指点. pwm dac生成…
/**************************************************************************//** * @file main.c * @version V3.00 * $Revision: 2 $ * $Date: 15/09/02 10:03a $ * @brief Demonstrate how to set GPIO pin mode and use pin data input/output control. * @note *…
RFID读写器的工作原理 RFID的数据采集以读写器为主导,RFID读写器是一种通过无线通信,实现对标签识别和内存数据的读出和写入操作的装置. 读写器又称为阅读器或读头(Reader).查询器(Interrogator).读出装置(Reading Device). 扫描器(Scanner).通信器(Communicator).编程/编码器(Programmer)等等. 读写器工作原理 RFID读写器的基本原理是利用射频信号与空间耦合传输特性,使电子标签与阅读器的耦合元件在射频耦合通道内进行能量传…
This 125 kHz RFID reader I will try to explain with simple words how the RFID works. The ATtiny13 use…
LDO current regulator for power LED Challenge You've got a power LED? Great! Build a flash light! What does the spec say? "Voltage: 3.6 .. 3.8 V, power 3 W." Okay. This means that it draws some 800 mA. Three mignon cells give 4.5 V for at least… Geek Alert!  What follows is very technical.  It involves ADC’s, FPGA’s, and sophisticated electrical design.  If this doesn’t sound like you then you can safely skip the rest of this blog…
从2019年12月27到2020年2月12日,学习了Simulink仿真及代码生成技术入门到精通,历时17天. 学习的比较粗糙,有一些地方还没理解透彻,全书梳理总结: Simulink的基础模块已基本掌握,对不熟悉的模块可以借助帮助文档了解其功能: Simulink信号基本掌握,了解了各种信号的外观及意义的不同: 对Simulink子系统的认识有待深入,对原子子系统需要进一步熟悉: 对仿真过程及参数配置有所了解,对Debugger的应用不太熟悉: 对回调函数有所认识,能够简单应用到参数预加载等场…
0×00 前言 在第一篇文章:永不消逝的电波(一):无线电入门篇 我们了解了一下无线电的发展史以及无线电的一些物理知识,在第二篇里我们将用HackRF录制家用门铃的无线信号,然后重放门铃信号. 门铃从某宝买的,如图: 0×01 环境搭建: MAC下可以用gqrx和hackrf (需要有Xcode.Mac Port的支持) sudo port install gnuradio sudo port install hackrf sudo port install rtl-sdr sudo port…
This page describes the construction of an RFID reader using only an Arduino (Nano 3.0 was tested, but others may work), a hand-wound wire coil, and some assorted low cost common components. Credits The hardware and software designs for this project… The Goal To produce a to…
#ifndef CONFIG_H_ #define CONFIG_H_ /**************************************************************************/ /**** CONFIGURABLE PARAMETERS ****/ /**** 可配置参量 ****/ /**** ****/ /**** 2013.10.28最新MWC程序注释翻译 ****/ /**** Translater:Dexter ****/ /**** 本…
作者:桂. 时间:2017-03-03  23:57:29 链接: 声明:转载请注明出处,谢谢. 前言 Hilbert通常用来得到解析信号,基于此原理,Hilbert可以用来对窄带信号进行解包络,并求解信号的瞬时频率,但求解包括的时候会出现端点效应,本文对于这几点分别做了简单的理论探讨. 本文内容多有借鉴他人,最后一并附上链接. 一.基本理论 A-Hilbert变换定义 对于一个实信号$…
ADC分类 直接转换模拟数字转换器(Direct-conversion ADC),或称Flash模拟数字转换器(Flash ADC) 循续渐近式模拟数字转换器(Successive approximation ADC) 跃升-比较模拟数字转换器(Ramp-compare ADC) 威尔金森模拟数字转换器(Wilkinson ADC 集成模拟数字转换器(Integrating ADC) Delta编码模拟数字转换器(Delta-encoded ADC) 管道模拟数字转换器(Pipeline ADC… In many applications, a DC/DC Converter is used to produce a regulated voltage or current, derived from an unregulated power supply, or from a battery. Ex…
openvpn Section: Maintenance Commands (8)Index NAME openvpn - secure IP tunnel daemon. SYNOPSIS openvpn [ options ... ]  INTRODUCTION OpenVPN is an open source VPN daemon by James Yonan. Because OpenVPN tries to be a universal VPN tool offering a gre…
本文内容.开发板及配件仅限用于学校或科研院所开展科研实验! 淘宝店铺名称:开源SDR实验室 HackRF链接: 原文地址: 之前在网上几个网站上看到过很多题为<狗汪汪玩转无线电 --…
本文为CoryXie原创译文,转载及有任何问题请联系 6.1 物理层概览 物理层定义超高速总线的信号技术.本章定义超高速物理层的电气要求. 本节定义超高速组件之间互操作所要求的电气层参数.强制性规范(Normative specifications)是必须要求的(required).参考性规范(Informative specifications)可以帮助产品设计者和测试者理解超高速总线的预期行为(intended behavior). 6.2 物理层功能… 2D terms 2D Physics terms AI terms Analytics terms Animation terms Assets terms Audio terms Core terms Editor terms General terms Graphics terms Lighting terms Multiplayer terms Packa…
摘要: 在上一篇的文档中,分析unimrcp中vad算法的诸多弊端,但是有没有一种更好的算法来取代呢.目前有两种方式 1. GMM   2. DNN. 其中鼎鼎大名的WebRTC VAD就是采用了GMM 算法来完成voice active dector.今天笔者重点介绍WebRTC VAD算法.在后面的文章中, 我们在刨析DNN在VAD的中应用.下面的章节中,将介绍WebRTC的检测原理. 原理: 首先呢,我们要了解一下人声和乐器的频谱范围,下图是音频的频谱. 本图来源于网络 根据音频的频谱划分…