1 安装azkaban异常 cloudera-scm@cdh4 azkaban-3.79.0]$ ./gradlew build -x test Parallel execution with configuration on demand is an incubating feature. FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * Where: Build file '/mnt/software/azkaban-3.79.0/build.gradle…
为linux平台搭建android开发环境的人,您可能会遇到问题,如下面有: 64位置linux安装64位置eclipse和64位置jdk开场后eclipse错误后 ""Cannot run program "/home/uv/IDE/adt/sdk/platform-tools/adb": error=2, No such file or directory",这是由于android-sdk得adb仅仅有32位版本号,所以得安装32位得编译软件. 解决的…
jni/mac.cpp:28:18: fatal error: vector: No such file or directory jni/mac.cpp:29:18: fatal error: memory: No such file or directory compilation terminated. make.exe: *** [obj/local/armeabi/objs/myRfid/mac.o] Error 2 近期在往Android上面移植基于Linux平台的R2000库时.通…
Android Studio提供VCS(Version Control System)版本控制系统,默认情况使用Git.GitHub工具需要配置git.exe路径,否则提示“cannot run program git.exe createprocess error=2 系统找不到指定的文件”的错误,如下图: 点击查看详情…
I have installed android SDK and eclipse successfully on ubuntu 14.04. However,now it's not running.This is the output error when I start the AVD: Starting emulator for AVD 'avd' Failed to start emulator: Cannot run program "/opt/adt-bundle-linux/sdk…
转 Linux下Android SDK中adb找不到的解决方案 2013年04月22日 20:41:48 阅读数:7621 在Linux平台下配置Android SDK开发环境过程中,Eclipse会提示错误如下: Unexpected exception 'Cannot run program "/home/ubuntu/adt/sdk/platform-tools/adb": error=2 No such file or directory' while attempting t…