借鉴地址:http://matthamilton.net/touchscrolling-for-scrollviewer 改造后支持上下和左右鼠标拖动滚动: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Input; name…
// 未实现功能的代码 1(自己写的代码) var _cur_top = $(window).scrollTop(); var num = $(".class_section").length; var wH = $(window).height(); var t = []; var i = 0; $(window).scroll(function () { var sH = $(window).scrollTop(); var total = wH + sH; // 滚动条的高度 +…
注:以下所有例子均 只 在 iOS 的微信中测试过,但对于饿了么APP的内置浏览器同样适用(两者使用相同内核) 引题 工作中常常有需要显示大量信息的情况,列表超出一屏就涉及到滚动的问题.例如 - var n = 1 ul while n <= 100 li= n++ 在 iOS 中用微信打开,滚动非常顺滑,so far so good!但某天产品需求有变,要求加一个固定在头部的标题,于是改成这样: - var n = 1 h1= "Momentum Scrolling on iOS&quo…
Update: Unfortunately this does not 100% solve the problem, the script falls down when handling touch interactions when a scrolling section is bouncing/rubber banding. I don’t think this issue can be worked around (but would love to be proved wrong!)…