CCNA Exploration: 网络基础知识 (版本 4.0) A few things to keep in mind while completing this activity: 1 Do not use the browser Back button or close or reload any exam windows during the exam. 2 Do not close Packet Tracer when you are done. It will close aut…
1:Kali Version root@kali-node01:~# cat /etc/os-release PRETTY_NAME="Kali GNU/Linux Rolling" NAME="Kali GNU/Linux" ID=kali VERSION="2018.2" VERSION_ID="2018.2" ID_LIKE=debian 2:Kali Kernal Version root@kali-node01:~#…
目录 . 引言 . 黑客针对WEB Server会有那些攻击面 . 针对Tomcat Server可以做的安全加固 . Managing Security Realms with JMX . 实现对TOMCAT配置信息的动态修改(hot dynamic edit) . Tomcat manager弱口令入侵部署WEBSHELL防御 . Tomcat远程war包部署攻防 0. 引言 most weaknesses in Apache Tomcat come from incorrect or in…
The basic configuration format Nginx global configuration parameters Using include files The HTTP server section The virtual server section Locations - where, when and how The mail server section Full sample configuration Loadbalance upstream web_bac…
VDOM configuration 来源 Posted on January 6, 2015 by Fortinet Technical Documentation   This example illustrates how to use VDOMs to host two FortiOS instances on a single FortiGate unit. Virtual Domain…
Remote Server Configuration Pages 12 Home Adding additional libraries to the classpath Advanced Configuration Basic Configuration Configuring the jvm that the jmeter process runs in FAQ Log Levels Modifying Properties Proxy Configuration Remote Serve…
Proxy Configuration Pages 12 Home Adding additional libraries to the classpath Advanced Configuration Basic Configuration Configuring the jvm that the jmeter process runs in FAQ Log Levels Modifying Properties Proxy Configuration Remote Server Config…
原文链接: I wrote before a guide Howto install Nginx/PHP-FPM on Fedora 20/19, CentOS/RHEL 6.5/5.10, but this guide is just installation guide and ma…
从去年至今,自己一直在学习自动化测试工具,想利用自动化工具尽可能的将重复的.关键的.耗时耗力的工作实现自动化,减轻日常测试工作,提升测试效率.在学习的过程中,将 maven 作为了项目开发管理工具,进行分模块开发.初始的时候,自己一个人想怎么搞就怎么搞...之前给同时做了分享,并引入公司,大家一起努力去完善系统.悲剧的是,最近公司限网,从 maven 中央仓库下载所需的 jar 包,需要外网的支持,而使用相同的 jar 时,每人均重复下载浪费网络资源,并且也影响项目构建的速度,因而想构建一个公司…
Spring's AOP Framework Let's begin by looking at Spring's own AOP framework - a proxy-based framework that works in pure Java. You can use it in any application server and all the required classes are included in the Spring distribution. Although man…
preFace: CI/CD practice part contains the following action items and fields of expertise: Gerrit installation and basic configuration▪ Jenkins installation and basic configuration▪ Jenkins and Gerrit interaction (Gerrit plugin setup for Jenkins)▪ Bri…
Spring Boot Reference Guide Authors Phillip Webb, Dave Syer, Josh Long, Stéphane Nicoll, Rob Winch, Andy Wilkinson, Marcel Overdijk, Christian Dupuis, Sébastien Deleuze, Michael Simons, VedranPavić, Jay Bryant 2.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT Copyright © 2012-20…
These are instructions for installing on Windows 7 desktop (they may also be useful for a server install with some thought to security) using individual components rather than a one click installer. This is intended only as a testing/evaluation insta…
Cross-domain security for data vault is described. At least one database is accessible from a plurality of network domains, each network domain having a domain security level. The at least one database includes at least one partitioned data table tha…
Introduction Log files are files that contain messages about the system, including the kernel, services, and applications running on it. There are different log files for different information. For example, there is a default system log file, a log f…
用过Azure的读者都知道,Vnet一直是Azure比较自豪的地方,尤其是VPN,Azure提供了两种VPN以及专线来保证客户数据的安全性,S2S vpn(站点到站点的,基于IPsec的),P2S vpn(点到站点的,基于sstp的),专线express route是和物理链路或者MPLS网络相连接,在这里笔者要提醒大家一句,Azure的vpn身后是两台机器做HA的vpn server,是提供LSA保证的,而无论是阿里还是AWS都没有这样的服务,而且Azure最高提供带宽200M的VPN链路,三…
When we setup source control server, we should always make a backup and restore plan for it. This article is to describe how to backup and restore a TFS Express instance from one server to another server. This blog is an English version, for Chinese…
下载:访问 TProfiler 的 GitHub 主页,,点击 Clone or download 按钮的打开下载选项,点击该选项下的 Download ZIP 按钮将 下载到本地. 安装:本地将下载后的 解压缩,将 dist 目录下的 以及 dist/lib 目录下的 tprofiler-1.0.1.j…
If you deploy a DAC to a managed instance of the Database Engine, information about the deployed DAC is incorporated into the SQL Server Utility the next time the utility collection set is sent from the instance to the utility control point. You can…
原文地址: 1. Overview In this article we’ll explore the asynchronous execution support in Spring – and the @Async annotation. Simply put – annotating a method of a bean with @Async will make it execute in a separate th…
原因之初 最初习惯百度各种博客教程,然后跟着操作,因为觉得跟着别人走过的路走可以少走很多弯路,省时间.然而,很多博客的内容并不够完整,甚至错误,看多了的博客甚至有千篇一律的感觉.此外,博客毕竟是记载博主的心路历程而不是自己,就像我的博客,从来都是当做记事本来写的,条例和思路基本上是根据遇到的问题记录下来的,绝对不会钻研一下如何发布科普文章. 新入职的公司需要英语环境,觉得有必要读英语的东西,看Google出来的文章辨别质量难度更甚,还是看官方文档吧.最初看gradle,科普gradle的基本知识…
WCF很早就出现了,然而我感受到能够让新手重点去学习WCF而不是WebService是最近两年.我相信大部分人初步了解WCF的时候会很痛苦,尤其是生成代理类,以及配置的问题.我本人其实比较讨厌配置编程,但喜欢轻量配置,因此也一直研究如何自己定义配置节点,去让WCF服务识别,然后重量级ABC操作由编码来完成.下面,我将会提供一个我本人用于学习其他知识需要使用WCF时的开发模式,另外说明,为了更好的说明,我将提供的都是精简版本,并不适合用于测试生产的例子. 1.定义适合自己的配置 public cl…
AutoMySQLBackup是一个开源的MySQL备份脚本.可以说它是一个轻量级的备份方案,AutoMySQLBackup的安装.配置非常简单.方便.AutoMySQLBackup的sourceforge上介绍有如它本身,也非常的简单: Description AutoMySQLBackup with a basic configuration will create Daily, Weekly and Monthly backups of one or more of your MySQL…
IKE/IPSec 属于网络层安全协议,保护 IP 及上层的协议安全.自上个世纪末面世以来,关于这两个协议的研究.应用,已经非常成熟.协议本身,也在不断地进化.仅以 IKE 为例,其对应的 RFC 编号从 RFC 2407/2408/2409 演化成 RFC 4306,再演化为 RFC 5996,最新版本是 RFC 7296. 为什么要分成两个协议呢?这两个协议有什么区别?从密码学角度看,IKE 用于密钥交换,IPSec 用于保护后续的通信.而保护通信的密钥,就来自 IKE 协议运行的结果.(在…
前言:XFire是新一代WebService框架,同时也支持与Spring集成,帮助我们方便快速地在Spring框架中开发WebService应用. 本节主要介绍XFire+Spring集成的2种常用的方法来实现简单的WebService应用1.使用XFire的XFireSpringServlet和ServiceBean2.使用Spring的DispatcherServlet与XFire的XFireExporter 准备工作:XFire官方网站下载地址:http://xfire.codehaus…
以下步骤完全使用于Ubuntu 14.04版本 首先安装以下所需包 sudo apt-get install openswan xl2tpd ppp lsof!注意!Ubuntu 15.10会提示无法找到openswan包,解决办法是用喜欢的编辑器编辑以下文件,实例用vimsudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list在文件最后添加一行deb precise main universe保存后,执行下面命令sud…
一. LSA 1. LSA原理 LSA(latent semantic analysis)潜在语义分析,也被称为 LSI(latent semantic index),是 Scott Deerwester, Susan T. Dumais 等人在 1990 年提出来的一种新的索引和检索方法.该方法和传统向量空间模型(vector space model)一样使用向量来表示词(terms)和文档(documents),并通过向量间的关系(如夹角)来判断词及文档间的关系:不同的是,LSA 将词和文档…
自己用的测试 C:\Users\Star>adb shell monkey -p --monitor-native-crashes -- pct-touch 30 -s 1 -v -v -v --throttle 200 100000   (不容易停下来) C:\Users\Star>adb shell monkey -p -v 500 --ignore-crashes   开始—>运行—>cmd    … This post will cover installing and basic configuration of Tomcat 7 on CentOS 5.x. The procedure can be used for Fedora and RHEL as well. Tomcat 7 implements the JavaServer Pages 2.2 and…
OpenStack 2014.1 (Icehouse) Release Notes General Upgrade Notes Windows packagers should use pbr 0.8 to avoid bug 1294246 The log-config option has been renamed log-config-append, and will now append any configuration specified, rather than completel…