English Training Material - 05】的更多相关文章

Could I leave a message? Language Checklist Telephoning (1) Introducing yourself Good morning, Aristo. Hello, this is - from - . Hello, my name's - calling from - . Saying who you want I'd like to speak to -, please. Could I have the - Department, pl…
Inviting What kinds of social activities in your city could be appropriate ways of entertaining visitors from other countries? Typical ideas are arts and cultural events such as theatre, cinema, concerts, exhibitions, famous monuments and buildings,…
Cross-cultural understanding (2) 1 The following text is about cultural diversity. Read it through once and decide which of the three statements (A, B or C) given below the extract offers the most accurate summary. The impact of culture on business T…
Building a relationship Cross-cultural understanding Eye contact In many Western societies, including the United States, a person who does not maintain good eye contact is regarded as being slightly suspicious, or a 'shifty' character. Americans unco…
OUTSIDE CORRESPONDENCE AND CONTACT   Jared: I'm glad you could come – and you're in for a treat. This is a great place. Mike: Great! What do you recommend? Jared: I always like to hear what the specials are first, since I find they're always deliciou…
Material Design Animation Authentic motion 真实的运动 运动以一种优美流动的形式描述了空间关系,功能和目的. Mass and weight: 质量和重量 在物理世界中,一个物体要运动,必须有力施加在它身上. 力的强度和持续时间规定了物体的加速度或者运动方向的改变. 即便是最急促的开始和结束也不是瞬时发生的, 因为物体的加速或者减速都是需要一定的时间的. 所以,当动画有着生硬的开始或者结束,或者唐突地改变方向,它们就会看起来很不自然. Material…
google在2014年 I/O大会上推出了一种新的设计设计语言—Material design,这种设计语言语言旨在为手机.平板电脑.台式机和“其他平台”提供更一致.更广泛的“外观和感觉”(附上官方链接:http://developer.android.com/training/material/index.html) 在以后的Android中,我觉得Design风格将逐渐流行,所以:为了跟着潮流,我们也是要不断的与时俱进 --->> 如何使用Design主题? 使用的时候,你仅仅需要在St…
[写在前面] google在2014年 I/O大会上推出了一种新的设计设计语言—Material design,这种设计语言语言旨在为手机.平板电脑.台式机和“其他平台”提供更一致.更广泛的“外观和感觉”(附上官方链接:http://developer.android.com/training/material/index.html) [google的介绍视频] [资料分享] 官方介绍页:http://www.google.com/design/spec/material-design/intr…
由于本文引用了大量官方文档.图片资源,以及开源社区的Lib和相关图片资源,因此在转载的时候,务必注明来源,如果使用资源请注明资源的出处,尊重版权,尊重别人的劳动成果,谢谢! Material Design 官方Material Design详细介绍文档:http://www.google.com/design/spec/material-design/introduction.html Material Design是Android 5.0系统的重头戏,并在以后App中将成为一种设计标准,而且随…
转载请注明出处:http://blog.csdn.net/bbld_/article/details/40400031 翻译自:http://developer.android.com/training/material/index.html 前言 这篇文章是官方material design文档翻译的第一篇.关于material design须要了解的知识能够參阅这本中文版的译文电子书. Material design是一种跨平台的为了视觉.动作.交互设计的综合指南.要在你的Android应用…