如果你经常使用 Linux 命令行,那么使用 history(历史)命令可以有效地提升你的效率.本文将通过实例的方式向你介绍 history 命令的 15 个用法. 使用 HISTTIMEFORMAT 显示时间戳 当你从命令行执行 history 命令后,通常只会显示已执行命令的序号和命令本身.如果你想要查看命令历史的时间戳,那么可以执行:# export HISTTIMEFORMAT='%F %T '# history | more1 2008-08-05 19:02:39 service n…
原文 Some fresh air After your time underground,you can return to ground level or maybe even a little higher at Kosciuszko Mound. The 34-meter hill is a memorial for a Polish military hero but also offers a panoramic view of surrounding city from top.…
原文 History lives on in this distinguished Polish city Though it may be ancient. KraKow, Poland, is alive and well as it celebrates and commemorates its meaningful history. Looking up When scaning the skies of Krakow,most agree that Wawel Castle cast…