A - Move and Win Time limit : 1sec / Memory limit : 512MB Score : 300 points Problem Statement A game is played on a strip consisting of N cells consecutively numbered from 1 to N. Alice has her token on cell A. Borys has his token on a different cel…
A OpenJ_Bailian 1088 滑雪 B OpenJ_Bailian 1579 Function Run Fun C HDU 1078 FatMouse and Cheese D POJ 3280 Cheapest Palindrome E OpenJ_Bailian 1976 A Mini Locomotive F OpenJ_Bailian 2111 Millenium Leapcow G OpenJ_Bailian 1141 B…
AtCoder Grand Contest 012 A - AtCoder Group Contest 翻译 有\(3n\)个人,每一个人有一个强大值(看我的假翻译),每三个人可以分成一组,一组的强大值定义为三个人中第二强的人的强大值.求\(n\)组最大的强大值之和. 题解 这...不是倒着选两个人,正着选一个人构成一组就好了嘛.. #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> using namespa…
AtCoder Grand Contest 011 upd:这篇咕了好久,前面几题是三周以前写的... AtCoder Grand Contest 011 A - Airport Bus 翻译 有\(n\)个乘客到达了飞机场,现在他们都要坐车离开机场.第\(i\)个乘客到达的时间是\(T_i\),一个乘客必须在\([T_i,T_i+k]\)时刻做到车,否则他会生气.一辆车最多可以坐\(C\)个人.问最少安排几辆车可以让所有人都不生气. 题解 从前往后贪心即可. #include<iostream…