传送门:异步编程系列目录…… 环境:VS2012(尽管System.Threading.Tasks在.net4.0就引入,在.net4.5中为其增加了更丰富的API及性能提升,另外关键字”async”和”await”是在C#5.0引入的.vs2010打 Visual Studio Async CTP for VS2010补丁可以引入关键字”async”和”await”的支持,但是得不到.net4.5新增API的支持) (CTP:Community Test Preview 社区测试试用版,就是一…
From time to time, I receive questions from developers which highlight either a need for more information about the new “async” and “await” keywords in C# and Visual Basic. I’ve been cataloguing these questions, and I thought I’d take this opportunit…