Many times ago, i saw a blog about MB sd connect C4 for benz, the author said he like this tool very much, and make a comparison with mb star c3 for a result that MB Star C4 is much better than c3, I was not too much attention to it. However, a month…
New Mercedes Benz Star C3 is a professional diagnostic tool specially for mercedes benz cars. Mercedes Benz Star C3 can do benz trucks and new types of mercedes cars.Super quality,Big aluminum box for package, easy to take at hand.XP-STAR(Auto-Link B…
Mercedes Star Diagnostic Tool newly update to MB Star C6.There are many star diangostic tool in the market.Many customer may dont know how to choose. Bellow, OBD2tool tell you the difference among MB Star C3 C4 C5 C6. Mercdeces Star Diagnosis C3 MB S…
MB Star, Extremely MB SD Connect C4, MB SD C4, Mercedes BENZ C5 SD are usually analysis tools to get benz, and have several different benz diagnostic tools,how to choose from them? you. HDD Practice Hints: you. Work with outside HDD, yo…
流程开发在CAE过程中处于非常重要的地位. 主要的作用可能包括: 将一些经过验证的模型隐藏在流程中,提高仿真的可靠性 将流程封装成更友好的界面,降低软件的学习周期 流程开发实际上需要做非常多的工作,尤其是复杂的工程模型,这涉及到计算过程中模型的验证,如网格验证.物理模型验证.模型参数验证.计算结果验证等,而且还需要在验证的基础上对计算流程进行反复修正,最终形成较为标准化的模型用于流程开发.今天的案例比较简单,因此省略了前面的流程验证工作. 本次流程开发工作在STAR CCM+ 1106版本下完成…
-(NSString *) convertFileSize:(long long)size { ; ; ; if (size >= gb) { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.1f GB", (float) size / gb]; } else if (size >= mb) { float f = (float) size / mb; ) { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.…
一. 预备知识 1. bit与byte 1. bit(简记为 b) 1 bit = 0 or 1 = one binary 2. byte(简记为 B) 1 byte = 8 bits 1字节,8个二进制位元 2. 标准十进制度量体系倍率关系 符号 含义 十进制展开 指数表示 k (kilo) thousand (千) 1,000 1e+3 M (mega) million (百万) 1,000,000 1e+6 G (giga) billion (十亿) 1,000,000,000 1e+9…
Both MB SD C5 and FVDI II are diagnostic and Programmer tools for Mercedes Benz Cars & Trucks.Then buy Mercedes Benz MB SD C5 or buy FVDI 2 Commander ,which better ? Referred to this question, here,the blog will make a comparison between these two to…
字节(Byte,简称B)与K.KB.M.MB的关系 1.计算机中各种存储容量的单位都是用字节(Byte简为B)来表示,此外还有KB.MB.GB和TB,他们的关系是: 1KB=1024Bytes=2的10次方Bytes   1MB=1024KB=2的20次方Bytes  1GB=1024MB=2的30次方Bytes  1TB=1024GB=2的40次方Bytes 2.B(字节).KB(K). MB(M.兆).GB(G). TB 是大小不同的单位. B :B就是Byte(字节)的简称,它是一个电脑存…
在传输单位的写法上,B 和 b 分别代表 Bytes 和 bits,两者的定义是不同的,具体换算公式如下:1 Byte = 8 bits 1 Kb = 1024 bits 1 KB = 1024 bytes 1 Mb = 1024 Kb 1 MB = 1024 KB 宽带最高下载理论值 1.5 M =169 KB/s 3 M =338 KB/s 6 M =676 KB/s 10 M =1126 KB/s 鼎峰凡凡Q:2881064156…