In this lesson, we are going to learn how to integrate Redux Devtools into our Angular application. Redux Devtools is a live-editing time travel environment for Redux. Devtools boasts a list of awesome features but my two favorite ones are that we ca…
chrome扩展程序里搜索Redux DevTools进行安装 新建store的时候,进行如下配置. import { createStore, applyMiddleware ,compose} from 'redux'; import reducer from './reducer' import thunk from 'redux-thunk' const composeEnhancers = window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE__ ? wi…
Redux is one of the most popular state-management libraries and although not specific to React, it is widely used with it. This is why the author of Preact has released a package called preact-redux, which is a simple wrapper around the main react-re…
The first things we need to do is create a reducer: /** * CONSTANT * @type {string} */ export const GET_CATEGORIES = "GET_CATEGORIES"; /** * INIT VALUE */ export const initialCategories = [ {id: , name: 'Development'}, {id: , name: 'Design'}, {i…
回顾:Redux: 类似于 Vuex 概念:store/reducer/action action:动作 {type,.....} 一定要有type 其他属性不做限制 reducer:通过计算产生state 公式:(state,action)=>newState store: 容器 getState() 获取所有状态 dispatch(action) dispatch里面可以跟对象和函数, -- 函数需要单独处理--中间件 subscribe(监听函数);-- watch 触发条件: 1.dis…
1: state 就像 model { todos: [{ text: 'Eat food', completed: true }, { text: 'Exercise', completed: false }], visibilityFilter: 'SHOW_COMPLETED' } 2: action, 普通的 javascript 对象, 用来描述发生了什么, 里面除了type 必须的, 还会其它属性值来改变 state. { type: 'ADD_TODO', text: 'Go to…
Higher Order Reducers are simple reducer factories, that take a reducer as an argument and return a new reducer. In that new reducer, you can customize the behaviour of the original one which helps reducing the reducer logic. In this lesson, we'll se…
Redux 版本:3.7.2 Redux 是 JavaScript 状态容器,提供可预测化的状态管理. 说白了Redux就是一个数据存储工具,所以数据基础模型有get方法,set方法以及数据改变后通知的对象subscribe订阅者. getState: getter(取) dispatch: setter(存) subscribe: 订阅 Redux 提供了五个方法 createStore combineReducers bindActionCreators compose applyMiddl…
ng-repeat is similar to foreach loop in C#. Let us understand this with an example. Here is what we want to do. 1. For each employee we have in the employees array we want a table row. With in each cell of the table row we to display employee Firstna…