The most advanced and imaginative use of the content injection feature is that devised byRyan C. Barnett, the ModSecurity Community Manager and author of the Core Rule Set. Heestablished a way to use content injection to defend vulnerable application…
catalog . 引言 . OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set (CRS) Project . Installation mod_security for Apache . Installation mod_security for nginx . Installation mod_security for IIS . mod_security Configuration Directives . Processing Phases . Variables . Tr…
参考文档: nginx不支持动态加载模块,所以需要重新编译,将modsecurity和nginx整合. 一: 软件准备: nginx-1.10.1.tar.gz 根据文档所述,有一些依赖包需要安装. yum install httpd httpd-devel pcre pcre-d…
Currently, in the both the Web API and MVC frameworks, dependency injection support does not come into play until after the OWIN pipeline has started executing. This is simply a result of the OWIN support being added to both frameworks after their in…
谷歌官方推出Material Design 设计理念已经有段时间了,为支持更方便的实现 Material Design设计效果,官方给出了Android support design library 支持库,让开发者更容易的实现材料设计的效果.顺便推荐官方的一个图标库:Material Icons 控件名称 NavigationView FloatingActionButton TextInputLayout Snackbar TabLayout AppBarLayout Coordinator…
问: I am trying to port an application to core. I have property injection (using ninject) on my UnitOfWork implementation like this. [Inject] public IOrderRepository OrderRepository { get; set; } [Inject] public ICustomerRepository Cus…
尊重劳动成果.转载请注明出处: 关注新浪微博:@于卫国 邮箱 简单介绍 在Google I/O 2015大会中,Google为Android开发人员介绍了Design Support Library. 这个library能够让开发人员非常easy地实现很多其他Material Design概念到他们的应用中,由于非常多关键元素是不可用的在原来的框架…
没有 Autofac DryIoc Grace LightInject Lamar Stashbox Unity Ninject 的日子,才是好日子~~~~~~~~~~ Using .NET Core 3.0 Dependency Injection and Service Provider with WPF   UPDATE: this article is based on a preview release of .NET Core 3.0. Please refer to Update…
原文: Dependency Injection and Controllers 作者: Steve Smith 翻译: 刘浩杨 校对: 孟帅洋(书缘) ASP.NET Core MVC 控制器应通过它们的构造器明确的请求它们的依赖关系.在某些情况下,单个控制器的操作可能需要一个服务,在控制器级别上的请求可能没有意义.在这种情况下,你也可以选择将服务作为 action 方法的参数. 章节: 依赖注入 构造器注入 Action 注入和 FromServices 从控制器访问设置 查看或下载示例代码…
现在MVC的技术日趋成熟,面对着不同版本的MVC大家不免有所迷惑 -- 它们之间有什么不同呢?下面我把我搜集的信息汇总一下,以便大家能更好的认识不同版本MVC的功能,也便于自己查阅. View Engine : View Engine is responsible for rendering of the HTML code from your views to the browser.MVC 2 uses only Web Forms view engine (.aspx) as a defa…