In Week 6, you will be learning about systematically improving your learning algorithm. The videos for this week will teach you how to tell when a learning algorithm is doing poorly, and describe the 'best practices' for how to 'debug' your learning…
(1) Advice for applying machine learning Deciding what to try next 现在我们已学习了线性回归.逻辑回归.神经网络等机器学习算法,接下来我们要做的是高效地利用这些算法去解决实际问题,尽量不要把时间浪费在没有多大意义的尝试上,Advice for applying machine learning & Machinelearning system design 这两课介绍的就是在设计机器学习系统的时候,我们该怎么做? 假设我们实现了一…