ACdream 1229 Data Transmission】的更多相关文章

Data Transmission Special JudgeTime Limit: 12000/6000MS (Java/Others)Memory Limit: 128000/64000KB (Java/Others)   Problem Description Recently one known microprocessor productioner has developed the new type of microprocessors that can be used in dif…
题意:给定一个分层图,即只能够在相邻层次之间流动,给定了各个顶点的层次.要求输出一个阻塞流. 分析:该题直接Dinic求最大流TLE了,网上说采用Isap也TLE,而最大流中的最高标号预流推进(HLPP)能够直接秒掉这一题.当然还有一种挽救的方式就是首先进行一次贪心预流,然后进行dinic.也是第一次听说还有贪心预流这回事,所以找了一份代码特地学习了一番.具体步骤如下: 1.首先将所有节点按照层次进行排序,对每个节点有in[i]和out[i]两个属性,前者表示能够流入到该节点的流量,后者表示能够…
ABSTRACT Recent technological advancement have led to a deluge of data from distinctive domains (e.g., health care and scientific sensors, user-generated data, Internet and financial companies, and supply chain systems) over the past two decades. The… CCD (Chrysler Collision Detection) Data Bus Description The Chrysler Collision Detection (also referred to as CCD or C2D ) data bus system is a multiplex system used fo…
Efficient data transfer through zero copy Efficient data transfer through zero copy Zero copy, zero overhead Sathish K. Palaniappan and Pramod B. NagarajaPublished on September 02, 2008 FacebookT…
waylau/netty-4-user-guide: Chinese translation of Netty 4.x User Guide. 中文翻译<Netty 4.x 用户指南> Rich Buffer Data Structure 丰富的缓冲实现 · GitBook… 要FQ... —————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Data Replication in a Multi-Cloud Environment using Hadoop & Peer-to-Peer technologies Context Few years ago, i s…
BACKGROUND Embodiments of this invention relate to RDMA (remote direct memory access) data transfer in a virtual environment. Traditional RDMA allows data to move directly from the memory of one computer into that of another without involving either…
In particular embodiments, a method includes, from an indexer in a sensor network, accessing a set of sensor data that includes sensor data aggregated together from sensors in the sensor network, one or more time stamps for the sensor data, and metad…
A data analysis system, particularly, a system capable of efficiently analyzing big data is provided. The data analysis system includes an analyst server, at least one data storage unit, a client terminal independent of the analyst server, and a cach…