ok6410 android driver(2)】的更多相关文章

Test the android driver by JNI (Java Native Interface), In the third article, we know how to compiler the moduler for localhost, ok6410 and goldfish platform. http://www.cnblogs.com/plinx/p/3209500.html But we didn't try to test the driver using by C…
This essay, I go to a deeply studying to android HAL device driver program. According to the android architecture we disscus in last essay, when we are designing a android device driver, we should follow the steps below : (1) linux device driver In t…
In this essay, I will write the JNI to test our leds device. If you don't know how to create a jni project, I suggest you to have a read on the following website : http://www.cnblogs.com/plinx/p/3213824.html 1.string.xml <?xml version="1.0" e…
In the past, we know how to create and run a simple character device driver on pc, goldfish and ok6410. These two essays I will talk about a led device real exists on ok6410. In this essay, we will compile a led device driver and test it. At first, I…
This article discusses the Makefile and how to port the module to different platform (localhost and arm). 1.localhost My localhost system is debian wheezy. If you would like to set up the environment for user-mode, you can follow the website : http:/…
In this essay, I will talk about how to write the service libraries. TIPS : I won't discuss the name rules about HAL libraries, but it's quite important to our understanding. You can check the source file : android_source/hardware/libhardware/hardwar…
From this essay, we go to a new discussion "Android Hardware Abstraction Layer". In this essay, we fisrt talk about the architecture of linux and android. 1.linux If you have got some brief reading about  <Linux Kernel Development> or <…
This article talk about how to test device driver on JNI. There are two ways to test the device driver : (1) Create methods to control devices in .c/.cpp file, the .java call the methods in .c/.cpp : This way is call JNI (Java Native Interface), mean…
This is a short essay about the mistakes in compiling ok6410 android-2.3 source codes. If there is nothing happen when you compiling forlinx android-2.3, just go past. My local host is 64bit system, but the forlinx android souce code was compiler on…
target system : Android (OK6410) host system : Debian Wheezy AMD64 1.Set up android system in ok6410 More details check the forlinx OK6410 UserGuide pdf. 2.There are two different ways to control the android system on ok6410 (1) minicom and USB-to-se…
Install busybox for goldfish/phone 1. Download busybox source code http://www.busybox.net/ 2. Decompress busybox $ tar xvf busybox-1.21.0.tar.bz2 -C ~/Android/$ cd ~/Android/busybox-1.21.0 3. Correct the cross compiler $ vim Makefile // add the compi…
I will paste and anlaysis a small character device driver in this paragraph. #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/fs.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/miscdevice.h> #include <asm/uac…
Using the scrollTo(String text) and scrollToExact(String text) method of Android Driver. However the scrolling is done for the entire contact list first downwards and then upwards but it does not scroll upto the string text provided and in the end th…
MTK Android Driver :camera 1.相关代码位置:mediatek\config\XXXX(红色字为具体的项目名) 文件:ProjectConfig.mk CUSTOM_KERNEL_IMGSENSOR = …… gc2235_raw CUSTOM_KERNEL_MAIN_IMGSENSOR = …… gc2235_raw CUSTOM_HAL_IMGSENSOR = …… gc2235_raw CUSTOM_HAL_MAIN_IMGSENSOR = …… gc2235_r…
MTK Android Driver :lcm 1.怎样新建一个LCD驱动 LCD模组主要包括LCD显示屏和驱动IC.比如LF040DNYB16a模组的驱动IC型号为NT35510.要在MTK6577平台上新建这个lcd的驱动,步骤如下: A. 新建文件夹nt35510: \mediatek\custom\common\kernel\lcm\ nt35510 \mediatek\custom\common\lk\lcm\ nt35510 //\mediatek\custom\common\ubo…
MTK Android Driver :Key 1.按键配置(根据原理图):DCT(Driver Customization Tool): ..\mediatek\custom\prj\kernel\dct\dct\codegen.dws ..\mediatek\source\dct\DrvGen.exe 客制化:按键定义表.de-bounce time .Power key Eint Gpio.DownLoadKey.|Mode Key.Factory Key.Recovery Key 2.f…
MTK Android Driver :battery电池曲线 1.配置文件位置: CUSTOM_KERNEL_BATTERY= battery mediatek\custom\\kernel\battery\battery\cust_battery.h mediatek\custom\\kernel\battery\battery\custom_fuel_gauge.h 2.充电常用参数修改: ..\mediatek\custom\\kernel\battery\battery\cust_ba…
一.Display 1.lcm 相关概念1.1) MIPI接口:一共有三种接口:DBI(也做CPU或MCU接口).DPI(也叫RGB接口).DSI.在使用DSI接口时,目前75/77都只支持到2条data lane,加上一条clock lane.使用DPI接口时,根据LCM IC支持的情况,可以选择16bus.18bus传输RGB格式文件,在GPIO部分分为R.G.B分别对应 8个GPIO(GPIO20~46期间),客户采用DPI接口需要根据选择的bus方式进行配置,推荐RGB端口全部配置为对应…
原文网址:http://www.cnblogs.com/biglucky/p/4413797.html 一.Display 1.lcm 相关概念1.1) MIPI接口:一共有三种接口:DBI(也做CPU或MCU接口).DPI(也叫RGB接口).DSI.在使用DSI接口时,目前75/77都只支持到2条data lane,加上一条clock lane.使用DPI接口时,根据LCM IC支持的情况,可以选择16bus.18bus传输RGB格式文件,在GPIO部分分为R.G.B分别对应 8个GPIO(G…
selenium android « s « Jar File Download http://www.java2s.com/Code/Jar/s/selenium-android.htm How to install the Android SDK on Windows, Mac and Linux https://www.androidcentral.com/installing-android-sdk-windows-mac-and-linux-tutorial…
watermark/2/text/aHR0cDovL2Jsb2cuY3Nkbi5uZXQvY2JrODYxMTEw/font/5a6L5L2T/fontsize/400/fill/I0JBQkFCMA==/dissolve/70/gravity/Center" width="962" height="653" alt=""> 1.各列參数说明: 1.1.Def.Mode: 表示开机后gpio模块初始化后的模式,每一个GPIO pi…
型号配置: 1.CUSTOM_MEMORY_HDR(需要确认是否是MTK认证的flash ic) mediatek\custom\$(PROJECT)\preloader\inc\custom_MemoryDevice.h #defineBOARD_ID                MT6577_EVB #defineCS_PART_NUMBER[0]      H9TP32A4GDMCPR_KDM #defineCS_PART_NUMBER[1]       KMKUS000VM_B410…
音频参数集成(具体参数由硬件提供) 1.ring/key/mic/fmr/speech/sidetone/media/matv增益: \mediatek\custom\k9\cgen\inc\audio_volume_custom_default.h 2.默认音量等级修改:(INPUT_FIR_COEFF /OUTPUT_FIR_COEFF) \mediatek\custom\prj\cgen\inc\med_audio_default.h \mediatek\custom\prj\cgen\i…
这里,我们不会为真实的硬件设备编写内核驱动程序.为了方便描述为Android系统编写内核驱动程序的过程,我们使用一个虚拟的硬件设备,这个设备只有一个4字节的寄存器,它可读可写.想起我们第一次学习程序语言时,都喜欢用“Hello, World”作为例子,这里,我们就把这个虚拟的设备命名为“hello”,而这个内核驱动程序也命名为hello驱动程序.其实,Android内核驱动程序和一般Linux内核驱动程序的编写方法是一样的,都是以Linux模块的形式实现的,具体可参考前面Android学习启动篇…
文章转载至CSDN社区罗升阳的安卓之旅,原文地址:http://blog.csdn.net/luoshengyang/article/details/6568411 在智能手机时代,每个品牌的手机都有自己的个性特点.正是依靠这种与众不同的个性来吸引用户,营造品牌凝聚力和用户忠城度,典型的代表非iphone莫属了.据统计,截止2011年5月,AppStore的应用软件数量达381062个,位居第一,而Android Market的应用软件数量达294738,紧随AppStore后面,并有望在8月份…
通过前面的两篇文章<Appium Android Bootstrap源码分析之控件AndroidElement>和<Appium Android Bootstrap源码分析之命令解析执行>我们了解到了Appium从pc端发送过来的命令是如何定位到命令相关的控件以及如何解析执行该命令.那么我们剩下的问题就是bootstrap是怎么启动运行的,我们会通过本篇文章的分析来阐述这个问题,以及把之前学习的相关的类给串起来看它们是怎么互动的. 1.启动方式 Bootstrap的启动是由Appi…
注意:涉及的代码为android内核代码而不是android源码. 在智能手机时代,每个品牌的手机都有自己的个性特点.正是依靠这种与众不同的个性来吸引用户,营造品牌凝聚力和用户忠城度,典型的代表非iphone莫属了.据统计, 截止2011年5月,AppStore的应用软件数量达381062个,位居第一,而Android Market的应用软件数量达294738,紧随AppStore后面,并有望在8月份越过AppStore.随着Android系统逐步扩大市场占有 率,终端设备的多样性亟需更多的移动…
MTK6577+Android之Camera驱动 <MTK安卓平台的Camera效果在线调试> 1.     Camera拍照相关概念 1.1  ISP isp--(Image Signal Processor)--影视处理 无论数码相机.摄像机或者摄像手机,其影像数据从前端感应后,皆须经过ASP(Analog Signal Processing).ADC(Analog-Digital Converter).前期影像处理(Pre-ISP)与后端影像处理(Post-ISP)四个阶段后,影像数据才…
Appium - WebView測试 作者: Max.Bai 时间: 2015/07 Appium - WebView測试(Android) 如今App都是混合型的.有原生的也包括WebView的,appium測试的时候就须要在原生和WebView之间切换才干完毕測试. 1. 查看全部context 查看当前全部的窗体 Set<String> contextNames = driver.getContextHandles(); System.print(contextNames); 结果包括眼…
In this blog post we'll go over a Linux kernel privilege escalation vulnerability I discovered which enables arbitrary code execution within the kernel. The vulnerability affected all devices based on Qualcomm chipsets (that is, based on the "msm&quo…