我要举报本次校赛出题人的消极出题!!! 官方题解请戳:http://3.scnuacm2015.sinaapp.com/?p=89(其实就是一堆代码没有题解) A. 树链剖分数据结构板题 题目大意:我没看,看不懂. 基本思路:我不会. 参考代码:找Oyk老师和Czj老师去. B. The background of water problem 题目大意(大写加粗的水题):给定$N$个学生和他们$K$个科目的成绩$S_i$,再给出各科目$K_i$的权重顺序$Q_i$,求排名之后,拥有id为$X$的…
2016暑假多校联合---Rikka with Sequence (线段树) Problem Description As we know, Rikka is poor at math. Yuta is worrying about this situation, so he gives Rikka some math tasks to practice. There is one of them: Yuta has an array A with n numbers. Then he make…
2016暑假多校联合---Windows 10(HDU:5802) Problem Description Long long ago, there was an old monk living on the top of a mountain. Recently, our old monk found the operating system of his computer was updating to windows 10 automatically and he even can't j…
2016暑假多校联合---Substring Problem Description ?? is practicing his program skill, and now he is given a string, he has to calculate the total number of its distinct substrings. But ?? thinks that is too easy, he wants to make this problem more interesti…
2016暑假多校联合---To My Girlfriend Problem Description Dear Guo I never forget the moment I met with you.You carefully asked me: "I have a very difficult problem. Can you teach me?".I replied with a smile, "of course"."I have n items,…
2016暑假多校联合---A Simple Chess Problem Description There is a n×m board, a chess want to go to the position (n,m) from the position (1,1).The chess is able to go to position (x2,y2) from the position (x1,y1), only and if only x1,y1,x2,y2 is satisfied…
2016暑假多校联合---World is Exploding Problem Description Given a sequence A with length n,count how many quadruple (a,b,c,d) satisfies: a≠b≠c≠d,1≤a<b≤n,1≤c<d≤n,Aa<Ab,Ac>Ad. Input The input consists of multiple test cases. Each test case begin wit…