在<ROS机器人程序设计>中,在第二章创建节点时给出一个接收和发送的例子,但是按照书中步骤编译时,遇到按个三个问题,现在罗列出来解决方案供参考. 建议在工作空间直接输入 catkin_make 进行编译 在工作空间输入 catkin_make 或者 catkin_make chapter2_tutorials 时,终端输出Warning "The dependency target XXX of target XXX does not exist",这是CMakeLis…
Effective Robotics Programming with ROS Third Edition Find out everything you need to know to build powerful robots with the most up-to-date ROS 原作者已经发布最新版本相关资料,书和源码.以后补充说明以kinetic版本为主进行更新. 先简单测试一下,书中示例.新书英文原版章节有调整,这里以中文章节排序. 第一章课件下载地址:http://downloa…
星火计划ROS机器人Spark 1 http://wiki.ros.org/Robots/Spark 2 https://github.com/NXROBO/spark ---- Spark Spark is an affordable development platform for ROS applications, with mobility and vision system. 目录 Spark Features: Simple and practical: High charge ab…