github上的安装指导: Custom fork of Go is currently required. We'll eventually switch to Go 1.7 which supports what we need due to this. An OSX or Linux host. Building on Windows is only partially supported with the help of Cygwin. Git - brew install git, a…
最近做一个"高清视频人流量检测"的项目,由于对实时性要求较高,我们需要较快的检测速度.在搜索茫茫"论"海后,我在"The Fastest Deformable Part Model for Object Detection"这篇论文中,找到了FFT(DPM).Proposed Method.以及ACF三种相对较快的行人检测方法.由于在这三种方法中,Proposed Method和ACF方法更快,检测效果更好,所以我将注意力主要集中在PM和ACF上…