Girl Develop It Chapter Leaders at 2015 Annual Leadership Summit Corinne Warnshuis, Executive DirectorVanessa Hurst, Co-Founder, AdvisorCorinne is a passionate advocate for community-centered movements and their power to change the world. Prior to be…
今年的Google I/O没有抽到票,不能到现场参加.不过11月举行的Android Dev Summit的票是先到先得的方式,所以早早的提交了注册.今天终于有机会当面跟Android系统的设计开发者们进行交流,还能见到来自各个公司的Android工程师,跟他们讨论Android开发中碰到的问题. 演讲一开始就给大家一个惊喜:Android Studio 2.0 Instant Run是最令人期待和喜爱的功能,在Android Studio 2.0中修改代码或布局,不用重启应用就能直接刷新页面得…
awesome-text-summarization 2018-07-19 10:45:13 A curated list of resources dedicated to text summarization Contents Corpus Opinosis dataset contains 51 articles. Each article is about a product’s feature, like iPod’s Battery Life, etc. and is a colle…
  2016年11月5日 We are proud to announce that Apache Spark won the 2016 CloudSort Benchmark (both Daytona and Indy category). A joint team from Nanjing University, Alibaba Group, and Databricks Inc. entered the competition using NADSort, a distributed s…
原文 ,因为原视频说的太快太长, 又没有字幕,于是借助youtube,把原文听&打出来了. 中文版日后有时间再翻译. one of the big succeess factors here at Spority is our agile engineering culture. Culture trends to be invisible we don't notice it because it's there all the time, kind of like the air we br…
This design document covers technical information about how Site Isolation is built.  For a general overview of Site Isolation, see Motivation Chrome's multi-process architecture provide…
V0.1.0 feature base knowledge: Architecture of the Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) 用rust-vmm打造未来的虚拟化架构 KVM内核文档阅读笔记 <Mastering KVM Virtualization>:第二章 KVM内部原理 Using the KVM API (org) Example for a simple vmm (github, search pub fn test_vm()) kvm-i…
Plan for search engine optimization and accessibility 使用analytical tools分析HTML,如SEO toolkit from MS,  Webmaster Tools from Google, W3C Markup Validation Service 使用Browser插件观察结构,如IE的F12可打开developer Toolbar. WAI-ARIA for accessibility Plan and implemen…
CHAPTER 40 Science in Our Digital Age 第40章 我们数字时代的科学 The next time you switch on your computer, you probably won't 'compute'. You might look up something, email your friends, or check the latest football score. But computers were originally machines…
CHAPTER 38 Reading ‘the Book of Life’ The Human Genome Project 第38章 阅读生命之书 人体基因组计划 Humans have about 22,000 genes (the exact number is history in the making). How do we know this? Because scientists in laboratories all over the world collaborated on…