The red-haired woman looked up. "Can I help you?" 红头发的女人抬头看了一眼说,有什么我能帮助你的吗? "I'm Isabella Swan," I informed her, and saw the immediate awareness light her eyes. 我是伊莎贝尔,我向她描述道,看着她立刻意识的眼神. I was expected, a topic of gossip no doubt. Daug…
The rest of the week was uneventful. I got used to the routine of my classes. 这周剩下的时间都是平淡无事的.我就是正常的上课. By Friday I was able to recognize, if not name, almost all the students at school. 周五的时候我几乎已经认得全校的学生了,只是还叫不全名字. In Gym, the kids on my team learned…
I hesitated, torn, but then the first bell sent me hurrying out the door — with a last glance confirming that he hadn't moved a centimeter. 我犹豫了,有点心痛的感觉,但是第一声上课铃让我赶紧出门————最后看了一眼确认了一下,他还是一厘米都没有动. As I half-ran to class, my head was spinning faster tha…
HEC-ResSim Reservoir System Simulation User's Manual Version 3.1 May 2013 Approved for Public Release. Distribution Unlimited. CPD-82 REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 The public reporting b…
From Thinking in Java 4th Edition. 泛型实现了:参数化类型的概念,使代码可以应用于多种类型.“泛型”这个术语的意思是:“适用于许多许多的类型”. 如果你了解其他语言(例如: C++)中的参数化类型机制,你就会发现,有些以前能做到的事情,使用Java的泛型机制却无法做到. Java中的泛型需要与C++进行一番比较.了解C++模板的某些方面,有助于你理解泛型的基础.同事,非常重要的一点是:你可以了解Java泛型的局限性是什么,以及为什么会有这些限制.最终是要让你理解…
15.1 User-defined typesWe have used many of Python’s built-in types; now we are going to define a new type. As an example, we will create a type called Point that represents a point in two-dimensional space.In mathematical notation, points are often…
一.邻接矩阵实现 思路:如果是邻接矩阵存储,设邻接矩阵为A,则A*A即为平方图,只需要矩阵相乘即可: 伪代码: for i=1 to n for j=1 to n for k=1 to n result[i][j]+=matrix[i][k]*matrix[k][j]; 算法复杂度 两个n维数组相乘,因此复杂度为O(V^3),当然可以通过Strassen算法稍加改进. 扩展:这种方法的作用是比如求u到v路径长度为k的路径数目,只需要求A^k,然后[u][v]即可. 算法正确性分析 命题:给定两点…
<C++ Primer>中第15章为了讲解面向对象编程,举了一个例子:设计一个小程序,能够处理查询给定word在文件中所在行的任务,并且能够处理“非”查询,“或”查询,“与”查询.例如执行查询 one & of |the ,表示对单词one和of的查询结果取交集,然后对单词the的查询结果取并集. 书中查询的底层操作实际定义在类TextQuery中,我们在TextQuery的基础上,进一步封装并实现如下图所示的类结构,能够达到上述功能需求.类之间的结构如下图所示: 程序扼要设计如下表所…