UVALIVE 3891 The Teacher's Side of Math】的更多相关文章

One of the tasks students routinely carry out in their mathematics classes is to solve a polynomial equation. It is, given a polynomial, sayX2 - 4X + 1<tex2html_verbatim_mark> , to find its roots (2±)<tex2html_verbatim_mark> . If the students'…
                                              6073 Math MagicYesterday, my teacher taught us about math: +, -, *, /, GCD, LCM... As you know, LCM (Leastcommon multiple) of two positive numbers can be solved easily because of a ∗ b = GCD(a, b) ∗ LCM(a…
UVA 1397 - The Teacher's Side of Math 题目链接 题意:给定一个x=a1/m+b1/n.求原方程组 思路:因为m*n最多20,全部最高项仅仅有20.然后能够把每一个此项拆分.之后得到n种不同无理数,每一项为0.就能够设系数为变元.构造方程进行高斯消元 一開始用longlong爆了.换成分数写法也爆了,又不想改高精度.最后是机智的用了double型过的,只是用double精度问题,所以高斯消元的姿势要正确,而且最后输出要注意-0的情况 代码: #include…
Math Magic Time Limit:3000MS     Memory Limit:32768KB     64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu Submit Status Description Yesterday, my teacher taught us about math: +, -, *, /, GCD, LCM... As you know, LCM (Least common multiple) of two positive numbers can b…
Yesterday, my teacher taught us about math: +, -, *, /, GCD, LCM... As you know, LCM (Least common multiple) of two positive numbers can be solved easily because of a * b = GCD (a, b) * LCM (a, b). In class, I raised a new idea: "how to calculate the…
Search GO 说明:输入题号直接进入相应题目,如需搜索含数字的题目,请在关键词前加单引号 Problem ID Title Source AC Submit Y 1000 A+B Problem 10983 18765 Y 1036 [ZJOI2008]树的统计Count 5293 13132 Y 1588 [HNOI2002]营业额统计 5056 13607 1001 [BeiJing2006]狼抓兔子 4526 18386 Y 2002 [Hnoi2010]Bounce 弹飞绵羊 43…
一对多:一对一 # one -- many class Students(Base): __tablename__ = "students" sid = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(String(30)) age = Column(Integer) tid = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("teachers.tid")) # 声明字段值受到另一个表的字段值得约束,注意是&l…
以下所有代码片段都使用了统一的引用,该引用如下: from sqlalchemy import create_engine, ForeignKey from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy import Column, String, Integer, Table from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, sessionmaker engine = cre…
http://blog.csdn.net/doubeizhucele/article/details/42263887 fintesse会把!{}标记的变量视为HashTable对象,展现到页面上的将是table格式(userguide中提到可以改变hashtable的css样式) ======   Java 代码   ========= public Map getMap(Map map) {        Set set =map.keySet();        for(Object ke…
Math Magic Time Limit: 3 Seconds       Memory Limit: 32768 KB Yesterday, my teacher taught us about math: +, -, *, /, GCD, LCM... As you know, LCM (Least common multiple) of two positive numbers can be solved easily because of a * b = GCD (a, b) * LC…
一对多:一对一 # one -- many class Students(Base): __tablename__ = "students" sid = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(String(30)) age = Column(Integer) tid = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("teachers.tid")) # 声明字段值受到另一个表的字段值得约束,注意是&l…
以下所有代码片段都使用了统一的引用,该引用如下: from sqlalchemy import create_engine, ForeignKey from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy import Column, String, Integer, Table from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, sessionmaker 一.表结构设计 engi…
/*学习事物基本语法*/ /*增加课室名的唯一索引*/ ALTER table class add constraint uni_ClassName unique(name) /*创建存储过程,其中增加教师,并增加课室*/ CREATE proc pro_AddClass ), ) as begin declare @teacherid int select @teacherid=id from teacher a where a.name=@teachername begin tran or…
package javaxgp.teacher.test; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.TreeSet; /** * java课第一次作业 */ public class Demo1 { public static void main(String[] args) { /** *进制转换 */ // method1(); /** * 寻找素数 */ // method2(); /*…
HDU3693 Math Teacher's Homework 一句话题意 给定$n, k以及m_1, m_2, m_3, ..., m_n$求$x_1 \oplus x_2 \oplus x_3 \oplus ... \oplus x_n == K(x_1 \leq m_1, x_2 \leq m_2...)$ 的方案数. 题解 一开始口糊了一下,然后写代码的时候发现不少东西没考虑周到,于是就看起了题解. 我们首先需要发现一个重要的性质: 如果某一位上不受m限制(也就是选0或选1都可以)那么无…
Title:[Math teacher's homework] Description 题目大意:给你n个数m1,m2...mn,求满足X1 xor X2 xor ... xor Xn=k,0<=Xi<=mi (1<=i<=m)的方案数 Input Format 多组数据(至多100组)每组数据第一行包括两个整数n,k,第二行包括n个整数m1,m2...mn(1<=n<=50,0<=k,mi<=\(2^{31}-1\)(1<=i<=n)) 输入以…
/************************************************ * Author :Running_Time * Created Time :2015/10/28 星期三 20:20:09 * File Name :H.cpp ************************************************/ #include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> #include <iostream&…
题目 给出\(n,m_1,m_2,...,m_n\),求\(x_1 xor x_2 xor ... xor x_n=k (0 \leq x_i \leq m_i)\)的解的数量.二进制位数小于\(32\). 分(tu)析(cao) 这其实是一道非常不错的题目,又感觉像rng_58的题了.囧 算法 我们现在只考虑前\(i\)位(二进制)的状态,第\(i+1 \sim 32\)位假设都已经填好了.这时,如果一个数\(x_j\)没有限制,也就是它的前\(i\)位可以任意地填\(0\)或\(1\),这个…
主题链接~~> 做题情绪:的非常高深,有种高大上的感觉. 解题思路: 两层之间的联通能够看成是一个矩阵  代表上下两层都能够联通,,代表下层第1个门与上层第一个门不联通,以此类推联通就能够用矩阵表示了.这样改动和查询都能够用线段树来完毕. 代码: #include<iostream> #include<sstream> #include<map> #include<cmath> #include<fstream> #include<q…
因为这个题目说明了优先级的规定,所以可以从左到右直接运算,在处理嵌套括号的时候,可以使用递归的方法,给定每一个括号的左右边界,伪代码如下: int Cal(){ if(括号)  sum += Cal(); else sum += num; return sum; } 但是这个题目着实坑了我一下,见过WA了,没见过TLE呢……我因为没有看到有空格这个条件,无线TLE,又是消除函数又是改用数组模拟栈,其实就是读入出错和忘记了处理空格,改了之后,成功AC了.代码如下: #include<iostrea…
题目链接 https://icpcarchive.ecs.baylor.edu/index.php?option=com_onlinejudge&Itemid=8&page=show_problem&problem=5449 题意 给出一个n 然后有n行 每行给出两个数 这两个数之间可以用三种操作 分别是 + - * 如果这n对数通过操作后 得到的结果都是不同的,那么这个方案就是符合条件的 输出任意一种可行方案 如果存在相同结果,那么就是不可行的 思路 可以把N对数看成一个点,把一…
题意: 一栋楼有n层,每一层有2个门,每层的两个门和下一层之间的两个门之间各有一条路(共4条). 有两种操作: 0 x y : 输出第x层到第y层的路径数量. 1 x y z : 改变第x层 的 y门 到第x+1层的 z门的通断情况. 思路: 门之间的路径数可以用矩阵来表示,经过的中间层可以用矩阵乘积表示. 所以用线段树维护矩阵乘积即可. 代码: #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #incl…
题目传送门 题目大意 给出 \(n,k\) 以及 \(a_{1,2,...,n}\) ,求有多少个 \(m_{1,2,...,n}\) 满足 \(\forall i,m_i\le a_i\) 且 \(\oplus_{i=1}^{n} m_i=k\) . \(n\le 50,a_i\le 2^{31}-1\) 思路 这个题目真的很神仙... 首先你要想到一点,就是对于二进制下的数,肯定是前面一段都相同,突然某一位 \(a_i=1\) 你 \(m_i=0\) 那么 \(m_i\) 你后面就可以乱选了…
Teacher Bo Time Limit: 4000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 1014    Accepted Submission(s): 561 Problem Description Teacher BoBo is a geography teacher in the school.One day in his class,he mar…
GTW likes math  Accepts: 472  Submissions: 2140  Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)  Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others) Problem Description After attending the class given by Jin Longyu, who is a specially-graded teacher of Mathematics,…
题目链接:HDU - 5170GTY's math problem 题目描述 Description GTY is a GodBull who will get an Au in NOI . To have more time to learn algorithm knowledge, he never does his math homework. His math teacher is very unhappy for that, but she can't do anything beca…
1555 - A Math Homework 时间限制:1秒 内存限制:128兆 338 次提交 131 次通过 题目描述     QKL is a poor and busy guy, and he was not good at math.      Last day, his teacher assigned a homework: Give you 3 segments with positive length, can you use these segments to make a…
题目链接:传送门 题目: B. Math time limit per test second memory limit per test megabytes input standard input output standard output JATC's math teacher always gives the class some interesting math problems so that they don't get bored. Today the problem is a…
In this lesson you will learn how to give reasons for something you've done. 课上内容(Lesson) Why do people...?  人们为什么...? play sports     Because people need health  人们需要健康 get married     Because people have a family    人们想拥有一个家庭 study English  Because…
In this lesson you will learn to make comparisons. 课上内容(Lesson) compare   n. 比较  vt. 比拟,喻为:[语]构成  vi. 相比,匹敌:比较,区别:比拟(常与to连用)n. (Compare)人名:(意)孔帕雷 comparison   n. 比较:对照:比喻:比较关系 comparative  n. 比较级:对手    adj. 比较的:相当的 I didn't sleep well  我睡的不好 Where is…