1.新建Django项目--新建app:app01和stark--在settings中配置app和数据库--在models.py中新建模型表--完成数据库迁移 2.在stark下的apps.py中: from django.apps import AppConfig from django.utils.module_loading import autodiscover_modules class StarkConfig(AppConfig): name = 'stark' def ready(…
6.7.1 QIDO-RS - Search Request The specific resources to be used for the search actions shall be as follows: Resource SearchForStudies {+SERVICE}/studies{?query*,fuzzymatching,limit,offset} SearchForSeries {+SERVICE}/studies/{StudyInstanceUID…
The powerful Android Studio 08 Jun 2016 Android Studio is the official tool for Android development these days. Being developed at the top of project IntelliJ IDEA, takes into advantage (almost in its entirety) features of edition, debugging, analysi…
Kibi extends Kibana 4.6.4 with data intelligence features. The core feature of Kibi is the capability to join and filter data from multiple Elasticsearch indexes and from SQL/NOSQL data sources. In addition, Kibi provides UI features and visualizatio…
Search and Replace - Multiple Files Searching To open the search panel for files, press Ctrl + Shift + F. You can use thekeyboard to control some search panel options and search actions: Toggle Regular Expressions Alt + R Toggle Case Sensitivity Alt…
写在StandLi里面的方法都是通过ModelSubject这个类里面的stand_li方法,在它里面用StandLi这个类实例化出来一个对象,这个实例化出来的对象把数据传给前端HTML模板进行渲染,所以StandLi这个类里面的方法如果你找不到就是在给前端传数据用的 tag.py from django.conf.urls import url from django.shortcuts import render, redirect, reverse from django.utils.sa…