K-th Number(第k大数)】的更多相关文章

In an array A containing only 0s and 1s, a K-bit flip consists of choosing a (contiguous) subarray of length K and simultaneously changing every 0 in the subarray to 1, and every 1 in the subarray to 0. Return the minimum number of K-bit flips requir…
题目链接:http://ac.jobdu.com/problem.php?pid=1040 详解链接:https://github.com/zpfbuaa/JobduInCPlusPlus 参考代码: // // 1040 Prime Number.cpp // Jobdu // // Created by PengFei_Zheng on 12/04/2017. // Copyright © 2017 PengFei_Zheng. All rights reserved. // #includ…
In an array A containing only 0s and 1s, a K-bit flip consists of choosing a (contiguous) subarray of length K and simultaneously changing every 0 in the subarray to 1, and every 1 in the subarray to 0. Return the minimum number of K-bit flips requir…
1116 K进制下的大数  基准时间限制:1 秒 空间限制:131072 KB 分值: 20 难度:3级算法题  收藏  关注 有一个字符串S,记录了一个大数,但不知这个大数是多少进制的,只知道这个数在K进制下是K - 1的倍数.现在由你来求出这个最小的进制K. 例如:给出的数是A1A,有A则最少也是11进制,然后发现A1A在22进制下等于4872,4872 mod 21 = 0,并且22是最小的,因此输出k = 22(大数的表示中A对应10,Z对应35). Input 输入大数对应的字符串S.…
题目如下: In an array A containing only 0s and 1s, a K-bit flip consists of choosing a (contiguous) subarray of length K and simultaneously changing every 0 in the subarray to 1, and every 1 in the subarray to 0. Return the minimum number of K-bit flips…
解题关键:$A\% (k - 1) = (A[0] + A[1]*k + A[2]*{k^2} + ...A[n]*{k^n})\% (k - 1) = (A[0] + A[1] + ...A[n])\% (k - 1)$ 然后枚举即可,注意上下界.需要注意的坑,K要>Max(A[0]……A[n]).因为2进制中,不会出现3 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; int main(){ str…
//快速排序:Partition分割函数,三数中值分割 bool g_bInvalidInput = false; int median3(int* data, int start, int end){ int middle = (start + end) >> 1; if (data[start] > data[middle]) std::swap(data[start], data[middle]); if (data[start] > data[end]) std::swap…
Given a non-empty list of words, return the k most frequent elements. Your answer should be sorted by frequency from highest to lowest. If two words have the same frequency, then the word with the lower alphabetical order comes first. Example 1: Inpu…
13.1 Write a method to print the last K lines of an input file using C++. 这道题让我们用C++来打印一个输入文本的最后K行,最直接的方法是先读入所有的数据,统计文本的总行数,然后再遍历一遍打印出最后K行.这个方法需要读两遍文件,我们想使用一种更简便的方法,只需要读取一遍文本就可以打印出最后K行,这里我们使用一个循环数组Circular Array,原理是我们维护一个大小为K的字符串数组,当数组存满后,新进来的数据从开头开始…
2的10次方是k k就表示2的10次方 2的16次方,解读为 2的6次方(64)*2的10次方(k)  简写为64k    64k=64*k 同理2的20次方  解读为2的10次方*2的10次方  k*K=1M 64kb =64*k*b k=1024=2的10次方 b=bit=2…