前言:有时候管理.维护Windows服务器需要定期重启服务器(为什么需要重启,你懂的),但是这个"定期"有时候会受很多因素影响,例如某台服务器忘了重启:某台服务器那个时间段业务繁忙,不能重启:那个时间段你忘了重启服务器...... 诸如此类.当你的Schedule被打乱了.这个时候,你就需要查看服务器运行了多长时间,下面介绍一下如何查看Windows服务器运行时间的方法 方法一:如果这台Windows服务器是数据库服务器,那么可以通过查看SQL SERVER启动时间来间接判断Windo…
在前面提到过,Starling是Sparrow的姊妹篇,正因为这样,Starling里的touch事件的机制其实是为移动设备的触摸交互设计的,所以当你使用它进行使用鼠标交互的桌面应用开发时,第一眼会感觉有些困惑. 首先,如果你看一下starling的类结构图的话,你会发现starling和本地显示列表结构不同的地方在于它没有InteractiveObject类(InteractiveObject 类是用户可以使用鼠标和键盘与之交互的所有显示对象的抽象基类),所有的显示对象使用默认的交互,换句话说…
HOWTO: Create native-looking iPhone/iPad applications from HTML, CSS and JavaScript Though it's not widely known, you can write native-feeling iOS apps for the iPhone and iPad in JavaScript (+ HTML and CSS). In this article, I'll explain how to: stri…
转:http://www.linux-mtd.infradead.org/faq/ubifs.html UBIFS FAQ and HOWTO Table of contents How do I enable UBIFS? How do I mount UBIFS? How do I create an UBIFS image? May an empty UBI volume be mounted? What is the purpose of -c (--max-leb-cnt) mkfs.…
http://wiki.apache.org/tomcat/HowTo Contents Meta How do I add a question to this page? How do I contribute to Tomcat's documentation? Installation How do I set up and run Tomcat on Macintosh OS X? How do I set up and run Tomcat on Solaris 10? How do…
How-To send or update registrations. The eXtented eXosip stack Initiate a registration To start a registration, you need to build a default REGISTER request by providing several mandatory headers. You can start as many registration you want even in o…
How-To initiate, modify or terminate calls. The eXtented eXosip stack eXosip2 offers a flexible API to help you controling calls. Initiate a call To start an outgoing call, you typically need a few headers which will be used by eXosip2 to build a def…
How-To initialize libeXosip2. The eXtented eXosip stack Initialize eXosip and prepare transport layer When using eXosip, your first task is to initialize both eXosip context and libosip library (parser and state machines). This must be done prior to…
因为墙的原因,打不开.特此转一下: HOWTO Introduction OpenVPN is a full-featured SSL VPN which implements OSI layer 2 or 3 secure network extension using the industry standard SSL/TLS protocol, supports flexible client authentication methods based on certificates, sm…
开始采用Extended Events 最大的阻碍之一是需要使用Xquery和XML知识用来分析数据.创建和运行会话可以用T-SQL完成,但是无论使用什么目标,数据都会被转换为XML.这个限制在SQL Server 2012中已经被移除,它已经实现了Extended Events 用户界面.在SQL Server 2014中也基本没有变化,如我们在进阶2中所见,这个UI提供了创建和管理会话功能.在本阶中,我们将探索捕获数据的查看和处理的功能. 查看数据 当创建并启动会话后,我们有两种选择查看事件…