ELK架构:elasticsearch+kibana+filebeat 版本信息: elasticsearch 5.2.1 kibana 5.2.1 filebeat 6.0.0 (预览版) 今天在进行ELK测试的时候,在kibana上面discover无论那个index,发现均会报错: [request] Data too large, data for [<agg [2]>] would be larger th…
What does working with large data sets in mySQL teach you ? Of course you have to learn a lot about query optimization, art of building summary tables and tricks of executing queries exactly as you want. I already wrote about development and configur…
{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"query_phase_execution_exception","reason":"Result window is too large, from + size must be less than or equal to: [10000] but was [78440]. See the scroll api for a mor… 感谢领导,感谢同事,与其自己百思不得其解,不如一个问题就搞定了. Step1: 下面是导出的脚本,表,表字段 copy testbyjasmine(uid,address) to 'C:\testbyjasmine.csv' with ENCODING='UTF-8' and DELIMITER ='|'; Step2: 下面是导入的脚本,只是将to换成了from…