Thailand vs Soros】的更多相关文章

| exchange rate | | Thailand | Soros | |---------------+---------+----------+---------| | | orgin | 100T, 1D | | | : | loan | 50T, 1D | 50T | | | burn | 75T | 25T, 1D | |---------------+---------+----------+---------| | : | change | 25T, 1D | 75T | |…
转自: A 2 A 3 Number ---------------------------------------------------------------------- AALAND ISLANDS AX ALA 248 AFGHANISTAN AF AFG 004 ALBANIA AL ALB 008 ALGERIA DZ DZA 012 AMERI…
 Gym 101047M Removing coins in Kem Kadrãn Time Limit:2000MS     Memory Limit:65536KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u Practice Description standard input/output Andréh and his friend Andréas are board-game aficionados. They know many of their friend…
 Gym 101047K Training with Phuket's larvae Time Limit:2000MS     Memory Limit:65536KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u Practice Description standard input/output Thai cuisine is known for combining seasonings so that every dish has flavors that are…
Gym 101047E Escape from Ayutthaya Time Limit:2000MS     Memory Limit:65536KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u  Practice  Description standard input/output Ayutthaya was one of the first kingdoms in Thailand, spanning since its foundation in 1350 to…
1.首先下载GeoIP的IP库.参考<利用GeoIP数据库及API进行地理定位查询>.下载后解压,得到一个GeoIP.dat文件 2.新建一个文件内容为 <?php /* -*- Mode: C; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 2; tab-width: 2 -*- */ /* * * Copyright (C) 2007 MaxMind LLC * * This library is free soft…
关于时区的概念,其实初中地理课已经涉及,很多人都多少了解一些,可能只是细节搞不太清楚.为什么会将地球分为不同时区呢?因为地球总是自西向东自转,东边总比西边先看到太阳,东边的时间也总比西边的早.东边时刻与西边时刻的差值不仅要以时计,而且还要以分和秒来计算.整个地球分为二十四时区,每个时区都有自己的本地时间.在国际无线电通信场合,为了统一起见,使用一个统一的时间,称为通用协调时(UTC, Universal Time Coordinated).UTC与格林尼治平均时(GMT, Greenwich M…
目前接触到一个需求,需要全球主要国家的选择以及语言的选择,如下图: 这是国家选项 这是语言的选项: 很简单有木有? 本来打算直接给文件,但是好像没有文件上传,所以就提供一个思路和代码,你们照着弄吧. 一.用mysql创建一张国家 countries 表,插入数据: 字段: name(国家名),abv简写(2个字母的简写),abv3(3个字母的简写),code(区号) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `geo_countries`; CREATE TABLE `geo_countries…
conscious[英][ˈkɒnʃəs][美][ˈkɑnʃəs]consensus[英][kənˈsensəs][美][kənˈsɛnsəs] scious sensuswaterflood; deluge; flood; flowage; Niagara; spill[英][spɪl][美][spɪl]spell[英][spel][美][spɛl] city urban emperemperortemper irritant Some had begun to build adjacent…
static final String[] COUNTRIES = new String[] { "Afghanistan", "Albania", "Algeria", "American Samoa", "Andorra", "Angola", "Anguilla", "Antarctica", "Antigua and Barbud…