python高级之多进程 本节内容 多进程概念 Process类 进程间通讯 进程同步 进程池 1.多进程概念 multiprocessing is a package that supports spawning processes using an API similar to the threading module. The multiprocessing package offers both local and remote concurrency,effectively side-…
敲了一晚上,留个念想. 发现它和LINUX的C编程差不多,就是作了PYTHON化的语法封装. 以后希望有机会能用上.. A,多进程函数化实现 import multiprocessing import time def worker_1(interval): n = 5 while n > 0: # print('The time is {0}'.format(time.ctime())) print 'start worker_1' time.sleep(interval) n -= 1 pr…
python高级之多进程 python高级之多进程 本节内容 多进程概念 Process类 进程间通讯 进程同步 进程池 1.多进程概念 multiprocessing is a package that supports spawning processes using an API similar to the threading module. The multiprocessing package offers both local and remote concurrency,ef…