[题意] 有n个绿洲, m条道路,每条路上有一个温度,和一个路程长度,从绿洲s到绿洲t,求一条道路的最高温度尽量小, 如果有多条, 选一条总路程最短的. InputInput consists of several test cases. Your program must process all of them.The first line contains two integers N and E (1 ≤ N ≤ 100; 1 ≤ E ≤ 10000) where N represents…
Travel The country frog lives in has nn towns which are conveniently numbered by 1,2,…,n. Among n(n−1) / 2 pairs of towns, m of them are connected by bidirectional highway, which needs aa minutes to travel. The other pairs are connected by railway, w…
Problem Description Jack likes to travel around the world, but he doesn’t like to wait. Now, he is traveling in the Undirected Kingdom. There are n cities and m bidirectional roads connecting the cities. Jack hates waiting too long on the bus, but he…
I. Travel Time Limit: 3000ms Memory Limit: 65536KB The country frog lives in has n towns which are conveniently numbered by 1,2,-,n. Among n(n−1)/2 pairs of towns, m of them are connected by bidirectional highway, which needs a minutes to travel. The…