Travase Objects and four method of array】的更多相关文章

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Title</title> </head> <body> <script> var iterableObj = { "lastName":'luo', "firstName":'xu… One of the weird behaviour and spec in Javascript is the typeof Array is Object. You can check if the variable is an array in couple of ways: var isArr = data instanceof Array; v…
在上周associated objects一文中,我们开始探索Objective-C运行时的一些黑魔法.本周我们继续前行,来讨论可能是最受争议的运行时技术:method swizzling.   Method swizzling指的是改变一个已存在的选择器对应的实现的过程,它依赖于Objectvie-C中方法的调用能够在运行时进改变——通过改变类的调度表(dispatch table)中选择器到最终函数间的映射关系.   举个例子,假设我们想跟踪在一个iOS应用中每个视图控制器展现给用户的次数:…
目前找到来4个解决办法,第三个尤为简单方便 NSArray * arr = @["]; //是否包含 "]) { NSInteger index = [arr indexOfObject:"]; NSLog(@"-1---%ld---",index); } //输出是 2 //////////22222222 "] != NSNotFound) { NSInteger inde =[arr indexOfObject:"] ; NSLo…
JavaScript : Array assignment creates reference not copy 29 May 2015 Consider we have an array var a = [1,2,3,4]; and we assign var b = a; then b not a copy of a, b is a pointer to a. So if you make any changes on b will have effect on a as well. Her…
1. matlab中有一个函数iscell() 用于判断一个数组是不是cell array 参考:MATLAB Function Reference iscell Determine whether input is cell array Syntax tf = iscell(A) Description tf = iscell(A) returns logical 1 (true) if A is a cell array and logical 0 (false) otherwise. Ex… History Edit This article is in need of a technical review. Table of Contents Summary Syntax Parameters Description Compatibility Examples Example: Pluralizing the words (strings) in an array Example: Mapping an array of numbers…
Layering & Contract Philosophy With additional indirection Factory Method The example code is as following: class CProduct //interface declaration class CConcreteProductOne: public CProduct; class CConcreteProductTwo: public CProduct; class CCreator…
本文章内容均参考<JavaScript高级程序设计第三版> 今天在看JavaScript书籍的时候,看到之前没有了解过的JavaScript中Array的几个内置函数对象,为了之后再开发工作中能方便查询,故编写此随笔.直接贴代码, function arrayEffect(){ var numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]; //------------------------------------ 支持浏览器版本 IE9+,Firfox 2+ ,Safair 3…
  阅读器 iOS开发iOS   本文由TracyYih[博客]翻译自NSHipster的文章Method Swizzling.   在上周associated objects一文中,我们开始探索Objective-C运行时的一些黑魔法.本周我们继续前行,来讨论可能是最受争议的运行时技术:method swizzling.   Method swizzling指的是改变一个已存在的选择器对应的实现的过程,它依赖于Objectvie-C中方法的调用能够在运行时进改变——通过改变类的调度表(disp…