OpenCASCADE License FAQs】的更多相关文章

OpenCASCADE License FAQs 经常用人问我使用OpenCASCADE开发商业软件是否需要付费,下面从OpenCASCADE的官方网站上截取其回答翻译成中文,官方网址: . 翻译统一将Open CASCADE Technology简称为 OCCT. OCCT许可与GPL兼容吗? 是的,从版本6.7.0开始,OCCT是根据GNU LGPL版本2.1的条款(以及一些小的附加权限)发布的,因此它与GNU…
less官方介绍文档( Getting Started Less is a CSS pre-processor, meaning that it extends the CSS language, adding features that allow variables, mixins, functions and many other techniques that allow you to make CSS that is more main…
OpenGL Shader in OpenCASCADE Abstract. As implementation of one of the strategic steps in OpenCASCADE visualization component development road-map, support for GLSL shader programs has been added in OpenCASCADE Technology 6.7.0. Key Wor…
A Simple OpenCASCADE Qt Demo-occQt Abstract. OpenCASCADE have provided the Qt samples in the samples directory, but they are a little complicated. So I decide write a simple OpenCASCADE Qt demo for the OpenCASCADE beginners. Key Words.…
OpenCASCADE JT Assistant Abstract. Siemens’ JT data format accepted as the world’s first ISO international standard for viewing and sharing lightweight 3D product information. OpenCASCADE JT Assistant is a viewer for files in JT format.…
FreeType in OpenCASCADE Abstract. FreeType is required for text display in the 3D viewer. FreeType is a software font engine that is designed to be small, efficient, highly customizable, and portable while capable of producing high-qual…
Intel TBB in OpenCASCADE OpenCASCADE使用了一个开源的第三方库Intel TBB,这个并行计算库主要用于网格化.布尔操作等复杂算法,可以明显提升速度.这个库是可选的,即可以根据授权原因,不使用这个库. 如果不用,可以在批处理中配置这个可选第三方库,将其设置成false. 最近从TBB官网了解到,TBB的授权License从GPL改为Apache V2.0,如下图所示: https://www.threadingbuildingbloc…
OpenCASCADE中散乱Edge生成Wire Abstract. In OpenCASCADE a wire can be built from any number of edges in sequence. If edges are not in sequence, you must sort them in order. Key Words. Edge, Wire, Wire order 1. Introduction 在OpenCASCADE中生成WIRE…
amazeui学习笔记三(你来我往1)--常见问题FAQs 一.总结 1.DOM事件失败:记得加上初始化代码,例如 图片轮播 $('#my-slider').flexslider(); 2.jquery:Amaze依赖jquery,所以如果效果没出来,看看有没有jquery 3.Chrome 开发者工具:推荐使用 Chrome 开发者工具. 二.常见问题FAQs 目录 使用问题 使用时遇到问题如何准确定位? 免费吗? Amaze UI 目前没有 xx 组件,有没有推荐的? 「爱上一匹野马,可你的…
参考: ARM C/C++ Compiler, RVCT4. [Build ] armcc : error C9932: Cannot obtain license for Compiler (feature compiler) with license version >= 3.1: System clock has been set back 出现这个问题的下面方法根本不好用. 终极解决办法…