Personal summary 个人总结】的更多相关文章

一.请回望开学时的第一次作业,你对于软件工程课程的想象 对比开篇博客你对课程目标和期待,"希望通过实践锻炼,增强计算机专业的能力和就业竞争力",对比目前的所学所练所得,在哪些方面达到了你的期待和目标,哪些方面还存在哪些不足,为什么? 总结这门课程的实践总结和给你带来的提升,包括以下内容: 1)统计一下,你在这门课程中,完成了多少行的代码: 在这门课程中我们组做的是制作网站,花费了大量的时间在代码编写上,所以我大概估计了一下我的代码量,只是估计哈,毕竟谁会去数这东西.我的代码量最少也得有…
4 1.1 Working life    P10 Reading----The anonymous CV Exercise 3  What should be included in the CV 1 personal details 2 education and qualifications 3 working experience action words: developed don’t mention routine relate skills to the job 4 intere…
3 Working life p8 Grammar Gerund and infinitive(动名词和不定式) 一般而言:        1 动词后面接动名词还是不定式没有特定规则,主要取决于语言习惯 2 介词后接动词和动名词 3 动词后多接不定式   动名词表达经常性或已经发生的事 而不定时表达一次性或者将发生的事 +gerund (-ing) be worth, have trouble/difficulty, succeed in, think about/consider, enjoy…
做实验时我们是把 bin 文件烧入SD卡,比如前面做的汇编流水灯实验. 问:是谁把这些指令从 SD 卡读出来执行? 答:是固化在芯片内部ROM上的代码---它被称为iROM ,iROM是厂家事先烧写在芯片上的,无源码. iROM把启动设备上特定位置处的程序读入片内存 (iRAM) ,并执行它.这个程序被称为 BL1(Bootloader 1) ,BL1 是三星公司提供的,无源码. BL1又把启动设备上另一个特定位置处的程序读入片内内存,并执行它.这个被称为 BL2(Bootloader 2) ,…
schemes-universalLink-share_IOS-android-WeChat-chunleiDemo The mobile terminal share page start APP people vomiting pit, personal summary, I hope you take some small pits. The program provides the current popular H5 page on the market to start the AP…
1.使用C#获取当前程序或解决方案的路径 2.使用C#获取当前登录用户的相关目录 3.也可以获取当前系统通用目录 4.获取Windows系统的目录,从注册表中获取. 一.当前用户的目录,HKEY_Current_User 二.系统通用目录,当前机器,Hkey_Local_Machine 三.代码实例 class LocalPathHelper { //windows当前用户的注册表键 private static RegistryKey folders; /// <summary> /// 全…
Github上的1000多本免费电子书重磅来袭!   以前 StackOverFlow 也给出了一个免费电子书列表,现在在Github上可以看到时刻保持更新的列表了. 瞥一眼下面的书籍分类目录,你就能知道这个免费电子书库的含金量了吧.记得一定要看几本,千万别下载了大量书籍而束之高阁! 行动重于空想! Github地址: I…
如何成为一名黑客 Eric Steven Raymond How To Become A Hacker Eric Steven Raymond How to be a Programmer: A Short, Comprehensive, and Personal Summary…
Index Ada Agda Alef Android APL Arduino ASP.NET MVC Assembly Language Non-X86 AutoHotkey Autotools Awk Bash Basic BETA C C# C++ Chapel Cilk Clojure COBOL CoffeeScript ColdFusion Cool Coq D Dart DB2 Delphi / Pascal DTrace Elasticsearch Emacs Erlang F#…
Quicken Home & Business 2016 - Manage your business and personal finances all in one place. Categorizes your personal spending and your business expenses automatically. Saves you money by finding tax-deductible business expenses. See business profit…
A computer system is described having one or more host processors, a host chipset and an input/output (I/O) subsystem. The host processors are connected to the host chipset by a host bus. The host chipset is connected to the input/output subsystem by…
Summary of OAuth 2.0 1 Problems: This pattern of applications obtaining user passwords obviously has a number of problems. Since the application would need to log in to the service as the user, these applications would often store users’ passwords in…
Time is flying, it arrives at the end of year again. This is my first year working in PinDuoDuo inc and it seems I arrive in the company yesterday. This point is a good chance to talk with(recognize) myself again. I try to conclude from work, output,…
Summary of Critical and Exploitable iOS Vulnerabilities in 2016 Author:Min (Spark) Zheng, Cererdlong, Eakerqiu @ Team OverSky 0x00 Introduction iOS security is far more fragile than you believe. And there are lots of critical and exploitable iOS vuln…
前面的话 HTML5不仅新增了语义型区块级元素及表单类元素,也新增了一些其他的功能性元素,这些元素由于浏览器支持等各种原因,并没有被广泛使用 文档描述 <details>主要用于描述文档或文档某个部分的细节,与<summary>配合使用可以为<details>定义标题.标题是可见的,用户点击标题时,显示出details [注意]这两个标签只有chrome和opera支持 <details> 该标签仅有一个open属性,用来定义details是否可见(默认为不…
Given a sorted integer array without duplicates, return the summary of its ranges. For example, given [0,1,2,4,5,7], return ["0->2","4->5","7"]. Credits:Special thanks to for adding this problem and…
Network Basic Commands Summary set or modify hostname a)     temporary ways hostname NEW_HOSTNAME, but if you reboot your system, it will disabled. b)    permanent ways: edit "/etc/sysconfig/network" HOSTNAME, then restart system, it will effect…
30.13 Summary Network management protocols allow a manager to monitor and control routers and hosts. A network management client program executing on the manager's workstation contacts one or more servers, called agents, running on the devices to be…
==> Downloading 100.0%==> Pouring nginx-1.10.1.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz==> CaveatsDocroot is: /usr/local/var/…
Design and implement a data structure for Least Frequently Used (LFU) cache. It should support the following operations: get and set. get(key) - Get the value (will always be positive) of the key if the key exists in the cache, otherwise return -1. s…
[re: Orchard CMS] This caused me scratching my head for days and now I can even feel it's bleeding. The answer however is the simplest. Because it's not obviously indicated anywhere, I was anticipating the layout only works for the detail view of A c…
Personal Combos Since Blade and Soul is mainly based on skills, the game is more interesting after you can do the skill rotation resulting in a skill combo. It is a set of attacks combined from various skills dealing a significant damage to an enemy.…
转自:           Eric Jang Technology, A.I., Careers               Monday, January 2, 2017 Summary of NIPS 2016   The 30th annual Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) conference took place in Barcelona…
题目: 228. Summary Ranges Given a sorted integer array without duplicates, return the summary of its ranges. For example, given [0,1,2,4,5,7], return ["0->2","4->5","7"]. 答案: 就是找连续的序列. 直接判断相邻数据大小是否相差为1即可,主要是注意最后的数字要特殊考虑一下…
ECLIPSE ANDROID PROJECT IMPORT SUMMARY======================================Manifest Merging:-----------------Your project uses libraries that provide manifests, and your Eclipseproject did not explicitly turn on manifest merging. In Android Gradlepr…
How do I use software from a PPA? To start installing and using software from a Personal Package Archive, you first need to tell Ubuntu where to find the PPA. Important: The contents of Personal Package Archives are not checked or monitored. You inst…
Given a sorted integer array without duplicates, return the summary of its ranges. For example, given [0,1,2,4,5,7], return ["0->2","4->5","7"]. 解题思路: JAVA实现如下: public List<String> summaryRanges(int[] nums) { List…
I found summary of k Sum problem and solutions in leetcode on the Internet.…
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>details</title> </head> <body> <details> <summary>html5视频教程</summary> <p>CSS 我们可以大大提升网页开发的工作效…
我们知道,hbase没有像关系型的数据库拥有强大的查询功能和统计功能,本文实现了如何利用mapreduce来统计hbase中单元值出现的个数,并将结果携带目标的表中, (1)mapper的实现 package com.datacenter.HbaseMapReduce.Summary; import; import java.util.NavigableMap; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.h…