利用简易爬虫完成一道基础CTF题 声明:本文主要写给新手,侧重于表现使用爬虫爬取页面并提交数据的大致过程,所以没有对一些东西解释的很详细,比如表单,post,get方法,感兴趣的可以私信或评论给我.如果文中有哪些问题,也欢迎大家指正. Written by Menglin Ma 写在前面 如果有想学习基础爬虫的同学,建议在中国大学MOOC上搜索嵩天老师的爬虫课程,讲的真的很细致,也很基础. 想入门CTF的同学,给你们推荐个基础的网站,上面的好多题对新手比较友好:www.shiyanbar…
poj2255 二叉树遍历 Time Limit:3000MS Memory Limit:0KB 64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu Description Little Valentine liked playing with binary trees very much. Her favorite game was constructing randomly looking binary trees with capital letters in th…
二叉树遍历问题 Description Tree Recovery Little Valentine liked playing with binary trees very much. Her favorite game was constructing randomly looking binary trees with capital letters in the nodes. This is an example of one of her creations: D / \ / \…