[RxJS] Introduction to RxJS Marble Testing】的更多相关文章

Marble testing is an expressive way to test observables by utilizing marble diagrams. This lesson will walk you through the syntax and features, preparing you to start writing marble tests today! Grep two files from the rxjs https://github.com/Reacti…
When doing search function, you always need to consider about the concurrent requests. AEvent ----(6s)---> AResult ------(100ms)------- BEvent -----(1s)---> BResult It means A event needs to take 6 seconds to get the result, but B only need 1 second…
groupBy() is another RxJS operator to create higher order observables. In this lesson we will learn how groupBy works for routing source values into different groups according to a calculated key. const numbersObservable = Rx.Observable.interval(500)…
There are variants of the window operator that allow you to split RxJS observables in different ways. In this lesson we will explore the windowToggle variant and see one of its use cases in user interfaces. Let's say we want to build a new functional…
Mapping the values of an observable to many inner observables is not the only way to create a higher order observable. RxJS also has operators that take a first order observable and return a higher order Observable. In this lesson we will learn about…
为什么要使用 RxJS RxJS 是一套处理异步编程的 API,那么我将从异步讲起. 前端编程中的异步有:事件(event).AJAX.动画(animation).定时器(timer). 异步常见的问题 回调地狱(Callback Hell) 竞态条件(Race Condition) 内存泄漏(Memory Leak) 管理复杂状态(Manage Complex States) 错误处理(Exception Handling) 回调地狱就是指层层嵌套的回调函数,造成代码难以理解,并且难以协调组织…
What is RxJS? RxJS是ReactiveX编程理念的JavaScript版本.ReactiveX是一种针对异步数据流的编程.简单来说,它将一切数据,包括HTTP请求,DOM事件或者普通数据等包装成流的形式,然后用强大丰富的操作符对流进行处理,使你能以同步编程的方式处理异步数据,并组合不同的操作符来轻松优雅的实现你所需要的功能 下面废话不说, 直接切入正题. 准备项目 我使用typescript来介绍rxjs. 因为我主要是在angular项目里面用ts. 全局安装typescrip…
上一部分: http://www.cnblogs.com/cgzl/p/8641738.html Subject Subject比较特殊, 它即是Observable又是Observer. 作为Observable, Subject是比较特殊的, 它可以对多个Observer进行广播, 而普通的Observable只能单播, 它有点像EventEmitters(事件发射器), 维护着多个注册的Listeners. 作为Observable, 你可以去订阅它, 提供一个Observer就会正常的收…
一.RxJS是什么? 官方文档使用了一句话总结RxJS: Think of RxJS as Lodash for events.那么Lodash主要解决了什么问题?Lodash主要集成了一系列关于数组.对象.字符串等集合操作,极大的方便了对这些集合数据进行衍生.举个简单的例子:求数组偶数元素的平方和 const { pipe, filter, map, reduce } = require('lodash/fp') const source = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] const res…
我们的前端工程由Angular4升级到Angular6,rxjs也要升级到rxjs6.  rxjs6的语法做了很大的改动,幸亏引入了rxjs-compact包,否则升级工作会无法按时完成. 按照官方的建议,逐步将原rxjs语法改为rxjs6后,要去掉rxjs-compact包. rxjs-compact包无法转换一些语法,我们的工程中没用到这些特性,原rxjs代码可以转为rxjs6. 原文链接:https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000014956260 RxJs 6于…