Nginx provides secure HTTP functionalities through the SSL module but also offers an extra module called Secure Link that helps you protect your website and visitors in a totally different way. SSL The SSL module enables HTTPS support, HTTP over SSL/…
The following set of modules provides extra functionality that will help you find out more information about the visitors, such as by parsing client request headers for browser name and version, assigning an identifier to requests presenting similari…
The following set of modules allows you to configure how visitors access your website and the way your server logs requests. Index The Index module provides a simple directive named index, which lets you define the page that Nginx will serve by defau…
The following modules allow you to regulate access to the documents of your websites — require users to authenticate, match a set of rules, or simply restrict access to certain visitors. Auth_basic Module The auth_basic module enables the basic authe…
The following set of modules provides functionalities having an effect on the contents served to the client, either by modifying the way the response is encoded, by affecting the headers, or by generating a response from scratch. Empty GIF The purpos…
一.创建SSL相关证书 1.安装Nginx(这里为了测试使用yum安装,实际看具体情况) [root@localhost ~]# yum install nginx -y #默认yum安装已经支持SSL,如果是自己编译的可以通过 nginx -V 查看当前Nginx是否支持SSL [root@localhost ~]# cd /etc/nginx/ [root@localhost nginx]# mkdir ssl [root@localhost nginx]# cd ssl/ 2.生成一个RS…
1.Nginx 配置 ssl 模块 默认 Nginx 是没有 ssl 模块的,而我的 VPS 默认装的是 Nginx 0.7.63 ,顺带把 Nginx 升级到 0.7.64 并且 配置 ssl 模块方法如下: 下载 Nginx 0.7.64 版本,解压 进入解压目录: 复制代码代码如下: wget tar zxvf nginx-0.7.64.tar.gz cd nginx-0.7.64  如果要更改heade…
先在StartSSL上申请免费一年的SSL证书,具体过程网上很多教程.然后把申请到的key和crt文件上传到服务器,比如/usr/local/nginx/certs/. Nginx配置SSL证书 直接贴上我的nginx的部分配置: server { listen ; server_name ; ssl on; ssl_certificate /usr/local/nginx/ssl/ssl.crt; ssl_certificate_key /u…
参考文献: 1. NginxV1.8.0安装与配置 2. CentOS下在Nginx中添加SSL证书以支持HTTPS协议访问 3. nginx配置ssl证书的方法 4.nginx强制使用https访问(http跳转到https) 5.nginx ssl 107 (net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR) 无法与服务器建立安全连接 解决方法 配置过程如下: 我的nginx是 yum 安装 具体安装过程参考:[转]CENTOS 6.5 配置YUM安装NGINX+服务器负载均衡 一.安…
一:开始Nginx的SSL模块 1.1 Nginx如果未开启SSL模块,配置Https时提示错误 1 nginx: [emerg] the "ssl" parameter requires ngx_http_ssl_module in /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf:37 原因也很简单,nginx缺少http_ssl_module模块,编译安装的时候带上--with-http_ssl_module配置就行了,但是现在的情况是我的nginx已经安装过了,…