Source: Nowadays, exploitation of user-level vulnerabilities is becoming more and more difficult, because of the widespread diffusion of several protection methods…
catalog . 程序功能概述 . 感染文件 . 前置知识 . 获取ROOT权限: Linux Kernel <= - Local Privilege Escalation 1. 程序功能概述 . 得到root权限 . 感染文件 . 进行破坏 Relevant Link: 2. 感染文件 该病毒采取感染.C源代码文件的方式进行传播感染,即在每个被感染的源代码的主函数中插入恶意函数的调用,以及在文件的其他位置插入恶意逻…
/**  * CVE-2014-4014 Linux Kernel Local Privilege Escalation PoC  *  * Vitaly Nikolenko  *  *  * Usage: ./poc [file_path]  *  * where file_path is the file on which you want to set the sgid bit  */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <s…
本站提供程序(方法)可能带有攻击性,仅供安全研究与教学之用,风险自负! // PoC exploit for /dev/cpu/*/msr, 32bit userland on a 64bit host // can do whatever in the commented area, re-enable module support, etc // requires CONFIG_X86_MSR and just uid 0 // a small race exists between the…
#include "stdafx.h" #include <Windows.h> #include "resource.h" void DropResource(const wchar_t* rsrcName, const wchar_t* filePath) { HMODULE hMod = GetModuleHandle(NULL); HRSRC res = FindResource(hMod, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_DATA1),…
Privilege Escalation Download the Basic-pentesting vitualmation from the following website:,216/ 1.Scan the target server using nmap. nmap -Pn -sS --stats-every 3m --max-scan-delay --defeat-rst-ratelim…
报错情况: 当Mac OS通过 npm 安装 React Native 报错,警告文字为:checkPermissions Missing write access to /usr/local/lib/node_modules 报错图片如下: 报错原因:npm 的安装权限不足 解决办法:在安装命令前加上 sudo,根据提示输入密码即可. 安装成功截图:…
extends: 一.安装 到MySQL官网上,下载mysql可安装dmg版本 比如:Mac OS X ver. 10.7 (x86, 64-bit), DMG Archive 下载完的文件为:mysql-5.6.10-osx10.7-x86_64.dmg 1.点击,安装包里的 2.点击安装 安装好后,会谈出一个默认密码的对话况…
(Linux) privilege escalation is all about: Collect - Enumeration, more enumeration and some more enumeration. Process - Sort through data, analyse and prioritisation. Search - Know what to search for and where to find the exploit code. Adapt - Custom…
Windows: DfMarshal Unsafe Unmarshaling Elevation of Privilege (Master) Platform: Windows (not tested earlier, although code looks similar on Win8+) Class: Elevation of Privilege Note, this is the master issue report for the DfMarshal unmarshaler. I’m…