Go as continuous delivery tool for .NET】的更多相关文章

http://simon-says-architecture.com/2014/02/28/go-as-continuous-delivery-tool-for-net/ Following my previous post regarding a possible design of continuous delivery scheme for an ISV, I’d like to focus today on ThoughtWorks Go. This tool used to be qu…
Continuous Integration (CI) Continuous integration (CI) is the process that ensures the stability of all the available developer source code. All working copies of source code are merged into the trunk/main line (instead of a main branch, this can be…
Pipeline as Code是2.0的精髓所在,是帮助Jenkins实现CI(Continuous Integration)到CD(Continuous Delivery)华丽转身的关键推手.所谓Pipeline,简单来说,就是一套运行于Jenkins上的工作流框架,将原本独立运行于单个或者多个节点的任务连接起来,实现单个任务难以完成的复杂发布流程(例如下图).Pipeline的实现方式是一套Groovy DSL(类似Gradle),任何发布流程都可以表述为一段Groovy脚本,并且Jenk…
今天同时看完<Pro Continuous Delivery With Jenkins 2.0>, 这书与工作关系很大,但也是快速翻翻. 本书着重点jenkins高可用环境搭建,与github,k8s的集成. 如果是新手,baby step方式,很有亲和力. 于我,收获一个成熟的pipeline script. node('docker_it') { stage('Poll') { checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/master'…
What is "Deployment pipeline"? A deployment pipeline is an automated implementation of your application's build,deploy,test and release process. Typically a deployment pipeline includes: Commit stage(Compile/Unit test/Analysis/Build installers)…
What is Configuration Management? Configuration Management refers to the process by which all artifacts relevant to your project, and the relationships between them, are stored, retrieved, uniquely identified and modified. As a good configuration man…
preFace: CI/CD practice part contains the following action items and fields of expertise: Gerrit installation and basic configuration▪ Jenkins installation and basic configuration▪ Jenkins and Gerrit interaction (Gerrit plugin setup for Jenkins)▪ Bri…
本文转自:https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/README.html GitLab Continuous Integration (GitLab CI/CD) The benefits of Continuous Integration are huge when automation plays an integral part of your workflow. GitLab comes with built-in Continuous Integration, Co…