文章是从我的个人博客上粘贴过来的, 大家也可以访问 www.iwangzheng.com 在本地执行cap deploy部署的时候会报错: connection failed for: (Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed: Authentication failed for user root@ 也没有提示输密码,但是如果直接用用户名密码是可以登录的 $ssh -l root -p 22222 出…
出处:http://qosys.info/485/bitbucket-git-prompt-for-password In some cases after adding public ssh keys for your Bitbucket account, Bitbucket could still fail with authentication and as a result it would prompt for your bitbucket password every time yo…
将客户端的~/.ssh/know_hosts 文件删掉试试 ssh debug信息 ssh -vvv xxx@…
经常在工作中须要在各个Linux机间进行跳转,每次password的输入成了麻烦,并且也不安全.在实际使用中,在windows下常使用secureCRT工具或teraterm工具进行SSH登录.以及实现hadoop集群部署要求的无password跳转问题. SSH分为有password登录和证书登录.考虑到安全性因素,一般都是採用证书登录.即:每次登录无需输入password. 假设是password登录,非常easy遭受到外来的攻击. 一.证书登录的过程: 1.client生成证书的私钥和公钥…
http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2008/11/3-steps-to-perform-ssh-login-without-password-using-ssh-keygen-ssh-copy-id You can login to a remote Linux server without entering password in 3 simple steps using ssky-keygen and ssh-copy-id as explained in this a…
This mission seems to be easier--we can just decompression Tomcat to our virtural machine and deploy ssh to login without password.Login ssh without password is very critical,although distributed Systems can also run without it.But,as we know,distrib…
Your aim You want to use Linux and OpenSSH to automate your tasks. Therefore you need an automatic login from host A / user a to Host B / user b. You don't want to enter any passwords, because you want to call ssh from a within a shell script. How to…
在使用 Fabric 的过程中,如果大批量服务器处理的话,我们就需要针对配置主机的密码,每台主机的密码相同还好,不同的话,就需要针对不同的主机做配置了,以下有两种配置方式 注:本文主要参考官方文档 Password management 以及 grimnes 的文章 Using SSH keys with Fabric env.password Fabric 在某些场合下通过保持在内存中以及双重缓存来帮助你记录登录密码以及 sudo 密码.当多个系统的密码一样的时候,这可以避免让你重复乏味的输入…
SSH login without password Your aim You want to use Linux and OpenSSH to automize your tasks. Therefore you need an automatic login from host A / user a to Host B / user b. You don't want to enter any passwords, because you want to call ssh from a wi…
最近在折腾这个,弄了好多次都不成功,看了官方文档和很多博客,都没有说清楚,因此,我觉得有必要把它记录下来,以帮助更多像我这样被弄得烦躁的人. 首先是安装,其实 Ubuntu 上面安装 Capistrano 非常简单: gem install capistrano 然后,进入项目目录,运行下面命令生成 Capistrano 的配置文件: cap install 这个命令会创建下面这些文件: Capfile config/ deploy/ production.rb staging.rb deplo…