Idea Points (data) in same cluster are near each others, or are connected by each others. So: For a distance d,every points in a cluster always can find some points in the same cluster. Distances between points in difference clusters are bigger than…
(续)LED局部背光算法MATLAB仿真 在上一篇博客<Local dimming algorithm in matlab>中,我们实现了对一篇论文的算法用matlab仿真.在本篇论文中,对另一篇论文进行了MATLAB仿真. 这篇论文<<A Novel Two-Dimensional Adaptive Dimming Technique of X-Y Channel Drivers for LED Backlight System in LCD TVs >>和前一篇一样…
这篇BLOG是我很早以前写的,因为现在搬移到CNBLOGS了,经过整理后重新发出来. 工作之前的几年一直都在搞计算机安全/病毒相关的东西(纯学习,不作恶),其中PE文件格式是必须知识.有些PE文件,比如驱动,系统会在加载时对checksum进行校验,确保驱动文件的完整性.关于PE文件如何校验,网上有很多资料可以学习,这里有一篇文章<An Analysis of the Windows PE Checksum Algorithm>是对WINDOWS API CheckSumMappedFile…
Sept. 10, 2015 Study again the back tracking algorithm using recursive solution, rat in maze, a classical problem. Made a few of mistakes through the practice, one is how to use two dimension array, another one is that "not all return path returns va…