出现问题 配置了两个不同的docker-compose.yml,使用了相同的网段,导致了在运行第二个yml文件时命令行报错目标网段已存在,报错如下: Creating network "v2_dev" with driver "bridge" ERROR: Pool overlaps with other one on this address space 找到原因 因为目标网段已经存在的原因,通常这发生在将要创建的networks手动指定了subnet网段地址的时…
早上,测试说演示环境mysql老实断开重连,一update就挂,经查日志,有如下异常: 2017-04-05T23:13:01.729250+08:00 17065 [ERROR] InnoDB: Trying to access page number 7 in space 957, space name db_rsk/tb_rsk_compliancecalcservice, which is outside the tablespace bounds. Byte offset 0, len…
最近写一个关于单片机播放音乐的程序,出现如下错误: *** ERROR L107: ADDRESS SPACE OVERFLOW ... ... Program Size: data=167.6 xdata=0 code=5314 Target not created 仔细想想,我用的是AT89C52,片上RAM有256字节,应该不会overflow啊,如果将Keil的编译模式选用compact或large则编译可以顺利通过,但生成的HEX文件无法使用. 关于此问题,网上的有关信息如下: Kei…
Jmeter - Linux 下面执行jmeter-server的时候出现:An error occurred: Cannot start. localhost is a loopback address.错误 [root@localhost bin]# ./jmeter-server Created remote object: UnicastServerRef [liveRef: [endpoint:[](local),objID:[-3126fe29:1430…
将@php_fpm_user@改为当前系统的用户名apache, 然后重新启动就ok了 注意:创建apache用户及用户组,上述命令换deamon为apache …
解决方法: http://zhidao.baidu.com/link?url=DWTVVdALVqPtUt0sWPURD6c1eEppyu9CXocLTeRZlZlhwHOA1P1xdesqmUQNwcNrbqJTVN2rpieEWWBhwxULT_…
控制面板,网络和intent,网络和共享中心,更改适配器设置,看下你的VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter这个显卡 启动了没有, 没有就启动它!!!…
背景: 1.etc下的hosts文件有:   localhost 2.MySQL的my.ini配置文件:     [mysqld] 节点下已经加入以下两行代码 skip-name-resolve #忽略主机名的方式访问 lower_case_table_names=1 #忽略数据库表名大小写 3.mysql 服务已经启动成功 问题: Navicat 连接mysql 报1042错误 can't get hostname for your address 终端 连接mys…
首先明确两点: 1只有自定义网络,才能手工指定每个容器的ip.默认的bridge是不行的! 2 手工设定了网段比如172.19.0.0   不影响docker在host装的网卡docker0 的172.17.0.1 容器内的172.19.0.XX  还是可以通过172.17.0.1访问到主机. docker-compose.yml  参考官网 https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/#network-configuration-reference…
一. Nginx介绍 1.1 引言 为什么要学Nginx 问题1: 客户端到底要将请求发送给哪台服务器 问题2: 如果所有客户端的请求都发送给了服务器1 问题2: 客户端发送的请求可能是申请动态资源的, 也有申请静态资源的 服务器搭建集群后 服务器1 客户端 服务器2 数据库 服务器3 ... 使用Nginx做反向代理服务器 服务器1 客户端==>Nginx 服务器2 数据库 服务器3 ... 1.2 Nginx介绍 Nginx是由俄罗斯人研发的, 应对Rambler的网站, 并且2004年发布…
docker网络介绍 大量的互联网应用服务需要多个服务组件,这往往需要多个容器之间通过网络通信进行相互配合. docker 网络从覆盖范围可分为单个 host 上的容器网络和跨多个 host 的网络.docker 目前提供了映射容器端口到宿主主机和容器互联机制来为容器提供网 络服务,在启动容器的时候,如果不指定参数,在容器外部是没有办法通过网络来访问容器内部的网络应用和服务的. docker安装时,会自动在host上创建三个网络: [root@localhost ~]# docker netwo…
一.数据卷管理 用户在使用 Docker 的过程中,势必需要查看容器内应用产生的数据,或者 需要将容器内数据进行备份,甚至多个容器之间进行数据共享,这必然会涉及 到容器的数据管理 (1)Data Volume (数据卷) (2)Data Volume Dontainers --- 数据卷容器 Data Volume ---数据卷 Data Volume 本质上是 Docker Host 文件系统中的目录或文件,使用类似 与 Linux 下对目录或者文件进行 mount 操作.数据卷可以在容器之间…
今天继续作大死,趟php7的配置的坑. 照例,安装了昨天的各种扩展之后,解压php7的压缩文件到 /usr/local/. 然后开始配置config的扩展: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/php7 \ --with-gd \ --with-freetype-dir \ --enable-gd-native-ttf \ --enable-mysqlnd \ --with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd \ --with-openssl \ --with-mcr…
[root@web01 ~]#  systemctl start php-fpm Job for php-fpm.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status php-fpm.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details. [root@web01 ~]#  systemctl status php-…
一. 缓冲池(Buffer Pool) 1.1 缓冲池介绍 每次读写数据都是通过 Buffer Pool : 当Buffer Pool 中没有用户所需要的数据时,才去硬盘中获取: 通过 innodb_buffer_pool_size进行设置总容量,该值设置的越大越好: innodb_buffer_pool_instances 设置为多个缓冲池: 总容量还是innodb_buffer_pool_size 设置多个instance 可将热点打散,提高并发性能(建议设置成CPU个数值) Buffer…
Building from source is not easy if something is a bit different, and I had a hard time with some directory and configuration options. I was floundering around the web until I found this site that translated from Chinese. No one else had the solution…
昨天编译就报错: c1xx : fatal error C1023: ‘UnicodeDebug\ImEngine.pch’ : unexpected error with pch, try rebuilding the pch ———————————————————————– 查了半天应该是ASLR的问题, (Visual Studio 2012: Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Advanced -> “Randomized Base Ad…
使用示例 #include <functional> #include <iostream> #include <boost/pool/pool.hpp> #include <boost/pool/object_pool.hpp> namespace xy{ using namespace std; class A{ public: A(){ cout<<"Construct: "<<endl; } A(int a…
Linux error numbers, straight from the horse's mouth. #define EPERM 1 /* Operation not permitted */ #define ENOENT 2 /* No such file or directory */ #define ESRCH 3 /* No such process */ #define EINTR 4 /* Interrupted system call */ #define EIO 5 /*…
OPCDA.NET Client Interface WrapperSummary of OPC Error Codes We have attempted to minimize the number of unique errors by identifying common generic problems and defining error codes that can be reused in many contexts. An OPC server should only retu…
添加进程,启动进程报错 1.0添加进程 GGSCI (t2) > add ext exta,tranlog,begin now EXTRACT added. --添加exta(ext标准命名规则a),读取日志,从当前开始 GGSCI (t2) > info all Program Status Group Lag at Chkpt Time Since Chkpt MANAGER RUNNING EXTRACT STOPPED EXTA :: :: 当配置EXTRACT进程时,捕获DML(受支…
All the Linux/C error codes are listed below. I occasionally google C error codes, but always end up grepping through /usr/include to find the answer. To save myself, and a few others, some time in the future... /usr/include/asm-generic/errno-base.h…
What is a stack overflow error? Parameters and local variables are allocated on the stack (with reference types the object lives on the heap and a variable references that object). The stack typically lives at the upper end of your address space and…
来自StackOverFlow:  http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8486335/difference-between-an-application-domain-and-an-application-pool/8487104#8487104 IIS process is w3wp; Every application pool in IIS use it's own process; AppPool1 uses process 3784, AppPool…
RAC数据库的 ORA-27123: Unable To Attach To Shared Memory Segment Linux-x86_64 Error: 22: Invalid argument RAC数据库的场景 由于生产环境的某业务大量写操作,导致出现了如下的错误: Making DataFactory:com.raqsoft.report.dataset.SQLDataSetFactory failure (dataset named):ds1 Caused:ORA-01034:…
如题,执行docker安装命令报错: [root@centos ~]# yum install docker-ce Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, security Setting up Install Process Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/7/i386/stable/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno…
报错现象 今天给客户一个单实例环境配置监听,创建正常,查询状态异常报错 tns tns tns linux error :connection refused 匹配MOS Starting TNS Listener or LSNRCTL Start Yields TNS-, Linux Error: : Connection Refused (文档 ID 343295.1) >lsnrctl status Any of the following listener error stacks mi…
昨天安装的测试环境的rac--2节点 CentOS release 6.8 (Final) SQL*Plus: Release Production 今天测试突然出现问题 在rac01节点上面操作报错 Connected. SQL> select * from v$instance; select * from v$instance * ERROR at line : ORA: not logged on Process ID: Session ID: Serial 这个时…
errno.00 is: Successerrno.01 is: Operation not permittederrno.02 is: No such file or directoryerrno.03 is: No such processerrno.04 is: Interrupted system callerrno.05 is: Input/output errorerrno.06 is: No such device or addresserrno.07 is: Argument l…