转自:https://severalnines.com/blog/top-pg-clustering-ha-solutions-postgresql If your system relies on PostgreSQL databases and you are looking for clustering solutions for HA, we want to let you know in advance that it is a complex task, but not imposs…
环境准备 机器pg 数据库地址修改为haproxy 的ip地址,端口是haproxy的tcp 端口,配置比较简单 hasura graphql-engine docker-compose version: '3.6' services: graphql-engine: image: hasura/graphql-engine:v1.0.0-alpha30 ports: - "8080:8080" environment: - "POSTGRES_PASSWORD:dalong…
1. keepalived vrrp/conntrackd High availability features will be implemented as extensions or drivers.A first extension/driver will be based on VRRP. A new scheduler will be also added in order to be able to spawn multiple instances of a same router…
什么是 PostgreSQL HA? 此 PostgreSQL 集群解决方案包括 PostgreSQL 复制管理器(replication manager),这是一种用于管理 PostgreSQL 集群上的复制(replication)和故障转移(failover)的开源工具. 获取此镜像 获取 Bitnami PostgreSQL HA Docker 镜像的推荐方法是从 Docker Hub Registry 中提取预构建的镜像. $ docker pull bitnami/postgresq…
转自:https://www.percona.com/blog/2018/10/19/postgresql-building-enterprise-grade-setup-with-open-source/ Hello everyone, and thank you to those that attended our webinar on Building an Enterprise-grade PostgreSQL setup using open source tools last Wed…
PostgreSQL相关的软件,库,工具和资源集合. 备份 wal-e - Simple Continuous Archiving for Postgres to S3, Azure, or Swift by Heroku Barman - Backup and Recovery Manager for Postgres by 2ndQuadrant GUI pgAdmin - Postgres Administration and Management GUI phpPgAdmin - The…
https://github.com/ty4z2008/Qix/blob/master/pg.md?from=timeline&isappinstalled=0 PostgreSQL(数据库)资料 About:PostgreSQL About <PostgreSQL 源码分析系列> PostgreSQL 源码分析系列 介绍:PostgreSQL 源码分析系列文章 <PG 内存上下文> 介绍:PG 内存上下文,code <PostgreSQL及其代码的结构> 介绍…
hexdump -C 数据表文件 -- 查看表文件中数据. pg_stat_statements pgcompacttable -- 在减少锁的情况下,清理表和索引的老空间. pg_repack--PostgreSQL中的表可能会由于MVCC特性而导致碎片化和膨胀,或者是因为大量的行被删除.这不仅会导致表中的空闲空间被占用,而且还会导致执行的sql语句效率不高.pg_repack是通过最流行的重新组织和打包表的办法来解决这个问题的. pgaudit--PostgreSQL有一个基础的语句日志功能…
KVM高可用性CS4.2暂时没有实现 The Linux Kernel Virtual Machine (KVM) is a very popular hypervisor choice amongst CloudStack and OpenStack users. It is free and comes ready with popular Linux distributions like CentOS/RedHat and Ubuntu. In some cases, customers…
目录[-] pg_buffercache pgfincore pg_prewarm dstat Linux ftools 使用pg_prewarm预加载关系/索引: pgfincore 输出: 怎样刷新在操作系统缓存中的关系/索引 ? 使用pg_prewarm的range功能预加载随机块. 缓存.... !!, 它很难在一篇文章中解释清楚.但是我会努力分享我从Heikki, Robert Haas, Bruce Momjian那里学到的知识.在PostgreSQL里有两层:PG共享缓冲和操作系统…