原文链接 https://medium.com/free-code-camp/distributed-systems-when-you-should-build-them-and-how-to-scale-a-step-by-step-guide-37e76a177218 分布式系统:何时构建它们以及如何扩展,分步指南. 当我开始创建产品时,有多少初级开发人员患有冒名顶替综合症,这总是让我感到震惊. 我明白了,有很多令人兴奋的例子顶尖公司与可以解决极其复杂的分布式系统数十亿请求,优雅地提升数以百…
Open source software has become a fundamental building block for some of the biggest websites. And as those websites have grown, best practices and guiding principles around their architectures have emerged. This chapter seeks to cover some of the ke…
转自:http://aosabook.org/en/distsys.html Scalable Web Architecture and Distributed Systems Kate Matsudaira Open source software has become a fundamental building block for someof the biggest websites. And as those websites have grown,best practices and…
原文地址:https://dzone.com/articles/scalable-distributed-systems-using-akka-spring-boot-ddd-and-java When data that needs to be processed grows large and can’t be contained within a single JVM, AKKA clusters provides features to build such highly scalabl…
Gwen Shapira, SA superstar and now full-time engineer at Cloudera, asked a question on Twitter that got me thinking. My response of old might have been “well, here’s the FLP paper, and here’s the Paxos paper, and here’s the Byzantine generals paper…”…
[翻译] TensorFlow 分布式之论文篇 "TensorFlow : Large-Scale Machine Learning on Heterogeneous Distributed Systems" 目录 [翻译] TensorFlow 分布式之论文篇 "TensorFlow : Large-Scale Machine Learning on Heterogeneous Distributed Systems" 1. 原文摘要 2. 编程模型和基本概念 2…
This past weekend I read Joe Armstrong’s paper on the history of Erlang. Now, HOPL papers in general are like candy for me, and this one did not disappoint. There’s more in this paper that I can cover in one post, so today I’m going to concentrate on…
因为工作的原因,最近打算看一些分布式学习的资料.其中这个http://book.mixu.net/distsys/就是一篇非常适合分布式入门的介绍. 这个短小的材料有下面5个小的章节,图文并茂,也没有太难的概念,非常推荐. 基础知识.主要是一些基本概念,例如可扩展性(scalability),可用性(availability)(马上就要写成bilibili了),性能(performance),容错(fault tolerance). 上下层的抽象.CAP,敲黑板,这个是个很入门和重要的理论. 时…
终于把Mit的分布式系统导论课的实验1-6写完了 做得有些痛苦,但是收获也很大 http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/6.824-2012/labs/index.html 把实验1-6用导图做个小结吧,希望对后来的同学有些小用,欢迎讨论啊,最近老板项目来了,估计7真的没有时间做了,RSM有谁做了,交流一下啊…