题目链接:https://www.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/144/J 标题:J.Heritage of skywalkert | 时间限制:1 秒 | 内存限制:256M skywalkert, the new legend of Beihang University ACM-ICPC Team, retired this year leaving a group of newbies again. Rumor has it that he left a heritag…
Heritage of skywalkert skywalkert, the new legend of Beihang University ACM-ICPC Team, retired this year leaving a group of newbies again. Rumor has it that he left a heritage when he left, and only the one who has at least 0.1% IQ(Intelligence Quoti…
链接:https://www.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/144/J来源:牛客网 skywalkert, the new legend of Beihang University ACM-ICPC Team, retired this year leaving a group of newbies again. Rumor has it that he left a heritage when he left, and only the one who has at lea…
这几天做了几道随机生成数组的题,且需要用nth-elemeng函数,并且都是北航出的多校题…… 首先我们先贴一下随机生成数组函数的代码: unsigned x = A, y = B, z = C; unsigned rng61() { unsigned t; x ^= x << ; x ^= x >> ; x ^= x << ; t = x; x = y; y = z; z = t ^ x ^ y; return z; } 这个函数的原理原谅我不太懂,就不多说了-_-|…
总时间限制: 5000ms 内存限制: 65536kB 描述 Your rich uncle died recently, and the heritage needs to be divided among your relatives and the church (your uncle insisted in his will that the church must get something). There are N relatives (N <= 18) that were m…