Specifying the Code to Run on a Thread 上一课   下一课 1.This lesson teaches you to Define a Class that Implements Runnable Implement the run() Method 2.You should also read Processes and Threads 3.Try it out DOWNLOAD THE SAMPLE ThreadSample.zip This lesso…
Communicating with the UI Thread 上一课 下一课 1.This lesson teaches you to Define a Handler on the UI Thread Move Data from a Task to the UI Thread 2.You should also read Processes and Threads 3.Try it out DOWNLOAD THE SAMPLE ThreadSample.zip In the previ…
Sending Operations to Multiple Threads 1.Dependencies and prerequisites Android 3.0 (API Level 11) or higher Loading Data in the Backgroundtraining class Running in a Background Servicetraining class 2.You should also read Processes and Threads 3.Try…
Running Code on a Thread Pool Thread 上一课   下一课 1.This lesson teaches you to Run a Runnable on a Thread in the Thread Pool Interrupt Running Code 2.You should also read Processes and Threads 3.Try it out DOWNLOAD THE SAMPLE ThreadSample.zip The previo…
Creating a Manager for Multiple Threads 上一课  下一课 1.This lesson teaches you to Define the Thread Pool Class Determine the Thread Pool Parameters Create a Pool of Threads 2.You should also read Processes and Threads 3. Try it out DOWNLOAD THE SAMPLE Th…
线程池的基本思想还是一种对象池的思想,开辟一块内存空间,里面存放了众多(未死亡)的线程,池中线程执行调度由池管理器来处理.当有线程任务时,从池中取一个,执行完成后线程对象归池,这样可以避免反复创建线程对象所带来的性能开销,节省了系统的资源. 比 如:一个应用要和网络打交道,有很多步骤需要访问网络,为了不阻塞主线程,每个步骤都创建个线程,在线程中和网络交互,用线程池就变的简单,线程池是对线 程的一种封装,让线程用起来更加简便,只需要创一个线程池,把这些步骤像任务一样放进线程池,在程序销毁时只要调用…
一.简介 1)线程池类为 java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor,常用构造方法为: ThreadPoolExecutor(int corePoolSize, int maximumPoolSize, long keepAliveTime, TimeUnit unit, BlockingQueue<Runnable> workQueue, RejectedExecutionHandler handler) 参数讲解:corePoolSize: 线程池维护线…
1. 线程池简介  多线程技术主要解决处理器单元内多个线程执行的问题,它可以显著减少处理器单元的闲置时间,增加处理器单元的吞吐能力.     假设一个服务器完成一项任务所需时间为:T1 创建线程时间,T2 在线程中执行任务的时间,T3 销毁线程时间. 如果:T1 + T3 远大于 T2,则可以采用线程池,以提高服务器性能.                一个线程池包括以下四个基本组成部分:                1.线程池管理器(ThreadPool):用于创建并管理线程池,包括 创建线…
android线程池ThreadPoolExecutor的理解 线程池 我自己理解看来.线程池顾名思义就是一个容器的意思,容纳的就是ThreadorRunable, 注意:每一个线程都是需要CPU分配资源去执行的. 如果由于总是new Thread()开启一个线程,那么就会大量的消耗CPU的资源,导致Android运行变慢,甚至OOM(out of memory) , 因而java就出现了一个ThreadPoolExecutor来管理这些线程.控制最多的线程数maximumPoolSize, 核…
转自http://www.trinea.cn/android/java-android-thread-pool/ Java(Android)线程池 介绍new Thread的弊端及Java四种线程池的使用,对Android同样适用.本文是基础篇,后面会分享下线程池一些高级功能. 1.new Thread的弊端 执行一个异步任务你还只是如下new Thread吗? Java new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // T…