Transparency Tutorial with C# - Part 3】的更多相关文章

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前言 Hangfire是一个开源且商业免费使用的工具函数库.可以让你非常容易地在ASP.NET应用(也可以不在ASP.NET应用)中执行多种类型的后台任务,而无需自行定制开发和管理基于Windows Service后台任务执行器.且任务信息可以被持久保存.内置提供集成化的控制台. 原文 Hangfire目前资料不多,官方文档提供两个教程 Sending Mail in Background with ASP.NET MVC 和 Highlighter Tutorial,根据第二个教程山寨了一把,…
官方教程在这里 : Here 写在前面的废话:)) 以前学习新东西,第一想到的是找本入门教程,按照书上做一遍.现在看了各种网上的入门教程后,我觉得还是看官方Tutorial靠谱.书的弊端一说一大推 本文不是对Tutorial的翻译,只是写下一些想法: 我是为了开发自己的网站而学习的django的(,Digital Ocean默认使用postgresql数据库,所以首先安装: sudo apt-get install postgresql sudo apt-get…
关于Thrift文档化的确是做的不好.摸索了很久才终于把跨linux与windows跨C++与python语言的配置成功完成.以下是步骤: 1)                 Linux下环境配置 l  完成thrift所依赖的其他软件包的安装:Boost.libtool.libevent.bison.flex 解压boost_1_55_0,进入boost_1_55_0目录下 chmod 777 chmod 777 ./tools/build/v2/engine/bu…
用户指导 Hive 指导 Hive指导 概念 Hive是什么 Hive不是什么 获得和开始 数据单元 类型系统 内置操作符和方法 语言性能 用法和例子(在<下>里面) 概念 Hive是什么? Hive是一个以Apache Hadoop为基础的数据仓储基础设施.Hadoop为数据的存储和运行在商业机器上提供了可扩展和高容错的性能. Hive的设计目标是使得数据汇总更加简单和针对大容量数据的查询和分析.它提供SWL来使得用户可以更简单地查询.汇总和数据分析.同时,Hive的SQL为用户提供了多种地…
f you are not familiar with MySQL stored procedures or want to review it as a refresher, you can follow the MySQL stored procedures tutorial. We will create two stored procedures for the demonstration in this tutorial. The first stored procedure gets…
Lars Vogel, (c) 2012, 2016 vogella GmbHVersion 1.4,06.10.2016 Table of Contents 1. Introduction to FreeMarker 2. Installation of FreeMarker 3. Eclipse Integration 4. Basic example 5. Useful FTL tricks 5.1. Reuse common template fragments 5.2. Variabl…
A step by step tutorial for Oracle Forms 10g development. This guide is helpful for freshers in Oracle forms 10g. To download this ebook click the below button: Download Oracle Forms 10g eBook See Also:Oracle Forms Recipes - Get it from Google Playht… Tutorial - Deferred Rendering Shadow Mapping In this tutorial I will present the shadow mapping technique implemented in a deferred renderer. This tutorial will lean on… angular 入门demo : PhoneCat Tutorial App 别人的DEMO(官方版): 我的DEMO(买家秀...) 按着tutorial做,做着做着就变形了... angular用着挺…
Tobias Erichsen private stuff & software for audio, midi and more Search Main menu Skip to primary content Skip to secondary content About Software Contact Twitter rtpMIDI Tutorial About The rtpMIDI driver is a network MIDI-driver for Windows operati…
In my previous blog "PIC32MZ tutorial -- Output Compare", I shows how to apply Output Compare without interrupt to generate PWM signal. I also tried the Output Compare interrupt. I selected OC to be PWM mode without fault pin (OCM = "110&qu…
In my older blog "PIC32MZ tutorial -- Key Debounce", I shows how to acheive key debounce with port polling. At this moment, I write an application which uses External Interrupt.  Therefore, only generates interrupt and starts debounce when the f…
microsoft sequential workflow tutorial website: after reading this tutorial,i found three bugs: 1.the name of workflow project is the same as a class file name,both of them named "Expense…
The new hardware tessellation feature available on Direct3D 11 video cards has great potential, but using it effectively currently requires understanding higher-order surfaces as well as a myriad of performance implications. In addition to the Window…
1.PCL Tutorial是使用SPHINX编译而成的. 2.安装Python2.7,从官方网站上下载(Portable Python测试未成功,待研究). 3.安装setuptools,安装成功会在Scripts目录下找到easy_install.exe. 4.安装pyparsing和doxylink: easy_install pyparsing==1.5.7(必须指定版本,因为pyparsing2.0与Python2.7不兼容). easy_install -U sphinxcontri…
MapReduce Tutorial(个人指导) Purpose(目的) Prerequisites(必备条件) Overview(综述) Inputs and Outputs(输入输出) MapReduce - User Interfaces(用户接口) Payload(有效负载) Mapper Reducer Partitioner Counter Job Configuration(作业配置) Task Execution & Environment(任务执行和环境) Memory Man…
ilocker:关注 Android 安全(新入行,0基础) QQ: 2597294287 [emacs tutorial]是熟悉 emacs 的入门资料.一共几十个命令,不需硬记,勤练即可. 翻页命令: C-v:向前移动一屏 M-v:向后移动一屏 C-l:重绘屏幕,并将光标所在行置于屏幕的中央 光标控制: C-n:移动到下一行(next) C-p:移动到上一行(previous) C-f:向右移动一个字符(forward) C-b:向左移动一个字符(backward) M-f:向右移动一个词[…
I have planed to learn Python for many times. I have started to learn Python for many times . However, I can't use it fluently up to now. Now I know I was wrong. I just tried to remember the syntax and took notes on paper with little practice. Now I…
Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) Tutorial 译: WangBen 2011-09-16 beijing 潜语义分析LSA介绍 Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), also kno… D. Design Tutorial: Inverse the Problem time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output There is an easy way to obtain a new task from an old on…
build your first app Now that you have Ionic and its dependencies installed, you can build your first app! This section will guide you through the process of starting a new application, adding pages, navigating between those pages, and more. Let's ge…
Installing Hadoop on Mac OSX Yosemite Tutorial Part 1. September 23, 2014 Marek 68 Comments Install HomeBrewInstalling HadoopSSH LocalhostConfiguring HadoopStarting and Stopping HadoopGood to know Additional Resources Github Wordcount example. Instal…
Deep Learning Methods for Vision CVPR 2012 Tutorial  9:00am-5:30pm, Sunday June 17th, Ballroom D (Full day) Rob Fergus (NYU), Honglak Lee (Michigan), Marc'Aurelio Ranzato (Google) Ruslan Salakhutdinov(Toronto), Graham Taylor(Guelph), Kai Yu(Baidu)  O…
  转载地址:     1  日志模块的使用   在运行 脚本时,我们已经简单了解了日志模块.现在,我们将更深入地了解日志子系统是为哪些用户案例设计的.    1.1 日志概述   很多大型系统支持某种消息记录功能,ns3 也不例外.在某些情况下,只有错误消息会被记录到操作控制台(在基于 Unix 的系统中通常是标准错误输出).在其他系统中,警告消息可能跟详细的信息消息一起被…
ABSTRACT Recent technological advancement have led to a deluge of data from distinctive domains (e.g., health care and scientific sensors, user-generated data, Internet and financial companies, and supply chain systems) over the past two decades. The…
UE4 中用于绘制自定义网格的插件CustomMeshComponent. 转载: UE4 Tutorial - Custom Mesh Component   Over the last few weeks I've been working on an old idea that I had and ended up starting from scratch. In my research I ended up finding the "Custom Mesh" componen…
原地址 Introduction This article is a continuation of my IMU Guide, covering additional orientation kinematics topics. I will go through some theory first and then I will present a practical example with code bui…