为什么在windows里,首选的conda命令行工具是Anaconda command prompt? In windows, what's the difference between command prompt and anaconda prompt Anaconda command prompt is just like command prompt, but it makes sure that you are able to use anaconda and conda comman…
#include <QApplication> #include <QLabel> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); QLabel *label = new QLabel("Hello Qt!"); label->show(); return app.exec(); } 第1 行和第2 行包含了两个类的定义:QApplication 和QLabel.对于每一个Q…
就在VS2010 Command Prompt 用vcvarsall.bat x64重新设置环境变量的时候,出现了标题中的错误.原因就在参考链接中 References: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3461275/vs2010-command-prompt-gives-error-cannot-determine-the-location-of-the-vs-comm http://schrievkrom.wordpress.com/2011/01/2…
Request: List the environment variables from Command Promt To list one varibales , the syntax is like : echo %path% To list all variables in command prompt. you can use : set e.g: C:\Users\tcaiy\set you can also sent the output to a output file , whi…
In Windows, files/folders have a special attribute called hidden attribute. By setting this attribute, we can hide files from being displayed in explorer or command prompt. This article explains how to list this hidden files in windows command line a…
简单了解Visual Studio的Developer Command Prompt VS2008的命令为:Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt 目录是: 其详细信息如下: VS2013的命令为:Developer Command Prompt for VS2013 目录是:C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\Shortcuts           查看其他信息,激活和V…
atl工程在vs2013编译的时候会在编译成功之后去使用 regsvr32 去注册 生成的 .dll 偶尔在编译的时候会遇到下面的错误: error MSB8011: Failed to register output. Please try enabling Per-user Redirection or register the component from a command prompt with elevated permissions. 如果你的atl工程依赖了第三方库dll的话,需…
在项目中经常需要使用 Visual Studio Command Prompt编译项目,每次启动时都是默认进入 C:\windows\system32> 目录, 需要cd切换路径,如果把Visual Studio Command Prompt默认启动路径设置为项目路径,那么每次启动只要直接输入msbuild xx.sln就可以编译了,设置方法如下 Right click on "Developer Command Prompt for VS2013" shortcut (whic…
有时候,我们无法找到Visual Studio Command Prompt,需要手动配置 打开 Visual studio2015,选择  "工具"—>"外部工具",点击 "添加" 这里有四个参数需要填写 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 配置项 值 Title…
点开始菜单,找到Accessories(附件),找到Command Prompt窗口,点右键,选“run as administrator”(以管理员身份运行),之后再执行先前的命令就好了. 2017年8月26日11:43:09…