在上一篇中,我们知道了视锥体的形状,并且也确定了我们进行裁剪时的步骤.那我们接下来要走的就是确定视锥体的六个平面: near, far, top, bottom, left and right 2.计算平面 这些平面通过一个点和一个法向量定义,并且规定视锥体的内表面为法线正向. 那么测试物体是否在视锥体之内就可以化为 检测物体在平面哪一侧 的工作,检测物体在平面的哪一侧可以通过计算物体上某点到该平面的距离.如果计算出的距离是正号,就意味着该点在平面法线方向一侧. 那么如果该点在六个面的法线方向一…
摘抄“GPU Programming And Cg Language Primer 1rd Edition” 中文名“GPU编程与CG语言之阳春白雪下里巴人”第二章. 图形绘制管线描述GPU渲染流程,即“给定视点.三维物体.光源.照明模式,和纹理等元素,如何绘制一幅二维图像”.本章内容涉及GPU的基本流程和实时绘制技术的根本原理,在这些知识点之上才能延伸发展出基于GPU的各项技术,所以本章的重要性怎么说都不为过.欲登高而穷目,勿筑台于浮沙! 本章首先讨论整个绘制管线(不仅仅是GPU绘制)所包含的…
OCCT模块结构图 基础类: Foundation Classes module underlies all other OCCT classes; 模型数据: Modeling Data module supplies data structures to represent 2D and 3D geometric primitives and their compositions into CAD models; 模型算法: Modeling Algorithms module contai…
Bounding Volume Hierarchy BVH in OpenCASCADE eryar@163.com Abstract. Bounding Volume Hierarchy(BVH) organizes geometric objects in the tree based on spatial relationships. Each node in the tree contains an axis-aligned bounding box of all the objects…
While I was at GDC I had the pleasure of attending the Rendering with Conviction talk by Stephen Hill, one of the topics was so cool that I thought it would be fun to try it out. The hierarchical z-buffer solution presented at GDC borrows heavily fr…
2015-07-27 16:52:58 一.如何通过继承ViewGroup来实现自定义View?首先得搞清楚Android时如何绘制View的,参考Android官方文档:How Android Draws Views 以下翻译摘自:http://blog.csdn.net/linghu_java/article/details/23882681,这也是一片好文章,推荐大家看看- When an Activity receives focus, it will be requested to d…