十. Python基础(10)--装饰器 1 ● 装饰器 A decorator is a function that take a function as an argument and return a function. We can use a decorator to extend the functionality of an existing function without changing its source. Decorators are syntactic sugar.…
在面试的时候,被问到装饰器,在用的最多的时候就@classmethod ,@staticmethod,开口胡乱回答想这和C#的static public 关键字是不是一样的,等面试回来一看,哇,原来是这样,真佩服我当时厚着脸皮回答的那些问题... OK,先来张图看看装饰器内容: OK,我们留下一个印象,然后我们看实际的场景来操作. 我们先看一个方法: __author__ = 'bruce' def do_sth(): print 'some thing has been done' if __…