The Six Types of Rails Association】的更多相关文章

翻译整理自: 想吐槽一句,  翻译地太慢了!!! csdn 复制过来格式都有误啊,改格式改了好几遍了.烦心.... 什么时候能支持markdown呢-.- Rails支持以下6种关联类型: belongs_to has_one has_many has_many :through has_one :through ha… Link-layer header type values LINKTYPE_ name LINKTYPE_ value Corresponding DLT_ name Description LINKTYPE_NULL 0 DLT_NULL BSD loopback encapsulation; the link layer header is a 4-byte field, in host byte order, c…
MVC中数据库表如果是一对一的主键关系时要加[Required]不然会出错Unable to determine the principal end of an association between the types Unable to determine the principal end of an association between the types '***. The principal end of this association must be explicitly co…
[Table("bma_stores")] public class Store { //加上即可 [Required] public virtual Product Product { get; set; } }… 新的项目中有一个字段是展示类型,可以用下拉框去做,用string存储具体的类型字段. 尝试了一下把展示类型修改为integer,用Rails enum枚举来做. 使用枚举(整型)来存储类似于下拉框选择的这类的值, 比起直接存储类型的字符串,能减少表中存储字段的大小. 建表语句如下 class CreateSubjects < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]…
Concerns are a new feature that was added in Rails 4. They allow to clean up code in your models and controllers. They also allow you to share functionality between models or controllers. However, they can be a bit tricky to test in isolation. In thi…
在阅读本文章时,先说几个mybatis中容易混淆的地方: 1. mybatis中的列不是数据库里的列而是查询里的列,可以是别名(如 select user_name as userName,这时column='userName' property="userName") 2.Mysql中使用自增主键时,useGeneratedKeys 用来获得自增主键填入类型对应的id属性,之后通过get方法得到 3.Map结尾是映射,Type是类型  resultType 和restltMap re…
Since the original tech preview release of FastCGI last year, we've been seeing a lot of requests for getting Ruby on Rails running with our FastCGI.  Theoretically, since the FastCGI component uses a standard protocol to support FastCGI-enabled appl…
PS:第一次写的很详细,可惜发布失败,然后全没了,这是第二次,表示只贴代码,剩下的自己领悟好了,这就是所谓的一鼓作气再而衰吧,希望没有第三次. 版本: ruby 2.1.0 rails 4.0.2 nginx 1.5.8 mainline version unicorn 4.7.0 /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf user NginxUser NginxGroup; worker_processes ; events { worker_connections ;…
测试版本Ruby:2.3.1   Rails:5.0.1 一.增加栏位       给devise默认的用户新增增加username字段 $ rails generate migration add_username_to_users username:string 2. $ rake db:migrate 这样就成功的给users增加了一个username栏位 二.删除栏位 1. 增加一个栏位: rails g migration RemoveColumnFromTable column:ty…