Hosting Multiple Service Implementations On The Same Port With WCF Recently I have been playing around with WCF and Visual Studio 2008.  I was building a set of web services.  The project consisted of two difference service interfaces (IServiceA and…
How messages reach a service endpoint is a matter of protocols and hosting. IIS can host services over HTTP protocol,the Windows Activation Service (WAS) can support others such as TCP and named pipes,and self-hosting can support many protocols and i…
So far in this chapter,I have shown you different ways to create services,how to expose a service endpoint and metadata exchange endpoint,how to generate client proxies,how to work with metadata,and how to configure service behaviors. In this section…
在 上一章 中,介绍了如何通过 OData 协议来访问 OData 服务提供的资源.下面来介绍如何创建一个 OData 服务.在这篇文章中,主要说明在.NET的环境下,如何使用 WCF Data Service 来创建OData服务.当然,对于 JAVA 或者其它平台,也是可以创建 OData 服务的.甚至是数据库,都可以提供 OData 服务. WCF Data Service 是需要 ORM 的支持的,当然,主流的 ORM 都已经支持 WCF Data Service 了,包括(但不限于)…
之前写的一篇文章:) 看起来好亲切.…
You’re about to be introduced to the WCF service. This lab isn’t your typical “Hello World”—it’s “Hello Indigo”! In this lab,you will learn how to build a new WCF service and in the process learn the minimum requirements of service development and co…
Learning about REST An Abstract Example Why Should You Care about REST? WCF and REST WebGetAttribute and WebInvokeAttribute UriTemplate and UriTemplateTable WebHttpBinding and WebHttpBehavior WebServiceHost and WebServiceHostFactory Using the Example…
Service Insertion Service Insertion是Neutron中实现L4/L7层服务的框架.Neutron以前只有一级插件结构用于实现各种L2层技术(如LinuxBridge,OVS等,部署时分两块:用于和数据库打交道的NeutronPlugin+用于干实际事情的L2Agent),对于L3层的路由和dhcp是采用单独的agent(l3-agent,dhcp-agent)来实现的.但L4-L7层服务要求: (1)像FW,VPN,DNAT服务需要运行在l3-agent所在的网…
Service discovery is a key component of most distributed systems and service oriented architectures. The problem seems simple at first: How do clients determine the IP and port for a service that exist on multiple hosts? Usually, you start off with s…
转自: service discovery ​​​Use Assigned Numbers in the Service Discovery Protocol (SDP) for searching for services, a browse group list, documentation URL, and an icon URL. Serv…